1212 from seed..! BS...


New Member
I want to put this to rest once and for all. The 12/12 from seed is not the way to go. The best I have seen, if they are not lying about it, shows a healthy plant with nice bud but only one usually I have seen and finish yield I can look and figure to be around .5 oz with the best I have seen here. I don't understand why if you want to 12/12 from no veg or from seed why people just don't go with the autos. But what do I know right. Lets see my set up. A/C keeps temps at 78, rez temps at 78 to 84, RH at 45 to 50%, 2 k broad spectrum hps with great air flow. Exchange the room 3 times per minute with big filter. I have done over 16 strains and none, that is none that were 12/12 from small clones with roots at about 2 to 3 to 4 inches tall, much bigger than from a seedling, and the yields were not worth the trouble. No point to do this stupid method. It is a small amount u will ever get and it won't be great as a mature plant put to 12/12. Put 6 plants on 12/12 after 3.5 weeks after clone and they were 13" tall. Each plant had around 9 to 15 colas that were substantial and as big as my forearm and each plant made 6 to 8 zips each. Do the math. 12'12 from seed or small clone and you get a great 1/4 oz and if you wait 3 weeks u get 5 to 6 zips. Really a stupid method and a really losing yeild at the end. Also young small plants are more prone to bugs, nute issues, and well keep trying but no plants I have seen but I have ot done a cheeze or a blueberry do jack when they are put to bloom so early. Not going to work unless you are the man and have co2 tanks and lots of money to spend on them to keep replacing. Still will only get a single cola from em and those will dry to 25% to 20% of the size when dry that those neat plants people show of 12/12 from seed. My system is the best technical high end way to hydro a plant. O2 high, and co2 normal as in the regualr air. Show me a real 12/12 from seed grow to harvest that is worth a shit and I will eat my hat.. Doesn't work....!!! Never flower a plant under 12" tall. It is bs and well I have 6 plants now that were put on flower at 13" tall and they are now 38 " tall and the stretch is over and average plant has over 10 big colas with small buds everywhere that will make up at least 8 oz's of popcorn and that my friend is bank!!!! I also get over 20 grams each time of pure screened tric powder and u just don't get that anywhere. GL.. U should listen to me and or show me the bs big yield 12/12 from seed grows on here... Remember As with Mitt/ryan liars are everywhere..... P. :peace:


New Member
I want to put this to rest once and for all. The 12/12 from seed is not the way to go. The best I have seen, if they are not lying about it, shows a healthy plant with nice bud but only one usually I have seen and finish yield I can look and figure to be around .5 oz with the best I have seen here. I don't understand why if you want to 12/12 from no veg or from seed why people just don't go with the autos. But what do I know right. Lets see my set up. A/C keeps temps at 78, rez temps at 78 to 84, RH at 45 to 50%, 2 k broad spectrum hps with great air flow. Exchange the room 3 times per minute with big filter. I have done over 16 strains and none, that is none that were 12/12 from small clones with roots at about 2 to 3 to 4 inches tall, much bigger than from a seedling, and the yields were not worth the trouble. No point to do this stupid method. It is a small amount u will ever get and it won't be great as a mature plant put to 12/12. Put 6 plants on 12/12 after 3.5 weeks after clone and they were 13" tall. Each plant had around 9 to 15 colas that were substantial and as big as my forearm and each plant made 6 to 8 zips each. Do the math. 12'12 from seed or small clone and you get a great 1/4 oz and if you wait 3 weeks u get 5 to 6 zips. Really a stupid method and a really losing yeild at the end. Also young small plants are more prone to bugs, nute issues, and well keep trying but no plants I have seen but I have ot done a cheeze or a blueberry do jack when they are put to bloom so early. Not going to work unless you are the man and have co2 tanks and lots of money to spend on them to keep replacing. Still will only get a single cola from em and those will dry to 25% to 20% of the size when dry that those neat plants people show of 12/12 from seed. My system is the best technical high end way to hydro a plant. O2 high, and co2 normal as in the regualr air. Show me a real 12/12 from seed grow to harvest that is worth a shit and I will eat my hat.. Doesn't work....!!! Never flower a plant under 12" tall. It is bs and well I have 6 plants now that were put on flower at 13" tall and they are now 38 " tall and the stretch is over and average plant has over 10 big colas with small buds everywhere that will make up at least 8 oz's of popcorn and that my friend is bank!!!! I also get over 20 grams each time of pure screened tric powder and u just don't get that anywhere. GL.. U should listen to me and or show me the bs big yield 12/12 from seed grows on here... Remember As with Mitt/ryan liars are everywhere..... P. :peace:
.5 oz? really? Can't wait to see this thread unfold!


Well-Known Member
how was the .5oz from those little beauties jimmy? :p obviously this guy hasn't seen the 12-12 thread before because del's 12-12 plants are ridiculous. Doing a little 12-12 grow myself only 4-5 weeks in but she seems fine.


Well-Known Member
how was the .5oz from those little beauties jimmy? :p obviously this guy hasn't seen the 12-12 thread before because del's 12-12 plants are ridiculous. Doing a little 12-12 grow myself only 4-5 weeks in but she seems fine.
Delboys the man when it comes to 12/12fs no mistake there mate, aint seen the old fart about much lately he still pop by the thread. Enjoyed my .5oz's mate lmao wish i could of got a bit more tho lol. What ya got going 12/12fs.


Well-Known Member
Delboys the man when it comes to 12/12fs no mistake there mate, aint seen the old fart about much lately he still pop by the thread. Enjoyed my .5oz's mate lmao wish i could of got a bit more tho lol. What ya got going 12/12fs.
Ooh just a few seeds i found in some good herb i bought, only small right now, trying to learn as much as i can before i go out and blow a few pay cheques on lights, nutes, seeds etc.
But from what i've seen on this site 12-12 is a pretty good way to go considering the space i have.

About that .5oz though ;P i think the nug thats covering your hand in picture 11 tells the story there mate.


Well-Known Member
Ooh just a few seeds i found in some good herb i bought, only small right now, trying to learn as much as i can before i go out and blow a few pay cheques on lights, nutes, seeds etc.
But from what i've seen on this site 12-12 is a pretty good way to go considering the space i have.

About that .5oz though ;P i think the nug thats covering your hand in picture 11 tells the story there mate.
Aye, if your in a tight space 12/12fs is the way to go, you've seen what del pulls outta his cab aint that big but hes got like 1000w in there lol. I started doing 12/12fs once i see what del was doing and built a few cabs for my grows. On average i'd say 2-3 zips is the norm, well for me anyway under my 600 but theres more to be had with the right phenos\strains.


New Member
Ooh just a few seeds i found in some good herb i bought, only small right now, trying to learn as much as i can before i go out and blow a few pay cheques on lights, nutes, seeds etc.
But from what i've seen on this site 12-12 is a pretty good way to go considering the space i have.

About that .5oz though ;P i think the nug thats covering your hand in picture 11 tells the story there mate.
Haha, see how you say blow a couple paychecks. I'll buy a good 600w + ballast for 100 bucks. Use a natural nutrient method incorporating the free compost I can get and start growing for like 200 bucks no prob. Then obtain seeds when i can afford them. Just starting out with clones. Waiting for my next 200 dollar paycheck hahaha


Well-Known Member
Aye, if your in a tight space 12/12fs is the way to go, you've seen what del pulls outta his cab aint that big but hes got like 1000w in there lol. I started doing 12/12fs once i see what del was doing and built a few cabs for my grows. On average i'd say 2-3 zips is the norm, well for me anyway under my 600 but theres more to be had with the right phenos\strains.
Hahah, yes ive read up and down that thread (not all 900 pages) also and he does have a much bigger budgeted grow then i will have but it helps to see whats right and whats wrong. Working on getting a 250w hps and see where that takes me.


Well-Known Member
Haha, see how you say blow a couple paychecks. I'll buy a good 600w + ballast for 100 bucks. Use a natural nutrient method incorporating the free compost I can get and start growing for like 200 bucks no prob. Then obtain seeds when i can afford them. Just starting out with clones. Waiting for my next 200 dollar paycheck hahaha
LOL, aren't we all my friend, aren't we all.


Well-Known Member
Hahah, yes ive read up and down that thread (not all 900 pages) also and he does have a much bigger budgeted grow then i will have but it helps to see whats right and whats wrong. Working on getting a 250w hps and see where that takes me.
250w hps will do you fine mate for a little grow, hell ive seen some very good 12/12 cfl grows.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear my friend, moving to the 250w after my first (bullshit) grow that im working on right now with cfls. very small, just hoping i can yeild enough to taste how the next one will be :)



Well-Known Member
Good to hear my friend, moving to the 250w after my first (bullshit) grow that im working on right now with cfls. very small, just hoping i can yeild enough to taste how the next one will be :)

Yeah mate you'll get something to smoke im sure, when ya setup give sk#1 a go from sensi, always performed well for me 12/12fs. Solid strain and a good price for a 10pack of beans.


Well-Known Member
Yeah mate you'll get something to smoke im sure, when ya setup give sk#1 a go from sensi, always performed well for me 12/12fs. Solid strain and a good price for a 10pack of beans.
Awesome man, have been looking for a good 12-12fs strain and if what i have going right now makes it to flower she'll be on RIU to see for sure : D


Well-Known Member
I want to put this to rest once and for all. The 12/12 from seed is not the way to go. The best I have seen, if they are not lying about it, shows a healthy plant with nice bud but only one usually I have seen and finish yield I can look and figure to be around .5 oz with the best I have seen here. I don't understand why if you want to 12/12 from no veg or from seed why people just don't go with the autos. But what do I know right. Lets see my set up. A/C keeps temps at 78, rez temps at 78 to 84, RH at 45 to 50%, 2 k broad spectrum hps with great air flow. Exchange the room 3 times per minute with big filter. I have done over 16 strains and none, that is none that were 12/12 from small clones with roots at about 2 to 3 to 4 inches tall, much bigger than from a seedling, and the yields were not worth the trouble. No point to do this stupid method. It is a small amount u will ever get and it won't be great as a mature plant put to 12/12. Put 6 plants on 12/12 after 3.5 weeks after clone and they were 13" tall. Each plant had around 9 to 15 colas that were substantial and as big as my forearm and each plant made 6 to 8 zips each. Do the math. 12'12 from seed or small clone and you get a great 1/4 oz and if you wait 3 weeks u get 5 to 6 zips. Really a stupid method and a really losing yeild at the end. Also young small plants are more prone to bugs, nute issues, and well keep trying but no plants I have seen but I have ot done a cheeze or a blueberry do jack when they are put to bloom so early. Not going to work unless you are the man and have co2 tanks and lots of money to spend on them to keep replacing. Still will only get a single cola from em and those will dry to 25% to 20% of the size when dry that those neat plants people show of 12/12 from seed. My system is the best technical high end way to hydro a plant. O2 high, and co2 normal as in the regualr air. Show me a real 12/12 from seed grow to harvest that is worth a shit and I will eat my hat.. Doesn't work....!!! Never flower a plant under 12" tall. It is bs and well I have 6 plants now that were put on flower at 13" tall and they are now 38 " tall and the stretch is over and average plant has over 10 big colas with small buds everywhere that will make up at least 8 oz's of popcorn and that my friend is bank!!!! I also get over 20 grams each time of pure screened tric powder and u just don't get that anywhere. GL.. U should listen to me and or show me the bs big yield 12/12 from seed grows on here... Remember As with Mitt/ryan liars are everywhere..... P. :peace:
So far, I haven't heard anybody claim that a 12/12 plant will yield as much as a vegged plant, but I have seen many pics showing that they will.
I also have noticed that people that do 12/12 usually have a reason.
Finally, I have noticed that when somebody claims that their shit is "the best", usually they are closed to suggestions and trying to compensate for something.............


Well-Known Member
Awesome man, have been looking for a good 12-12fs strain and if what i have going right now makes it to flower she'll be on RIU to see for sure : D
Out of every strain ive run 12/12 fs and ive run alot i would say that sensi SK#1 was the most soild all round performer for me, cant recall ever having a dodgy pheno from that strain and i musta run well over 50 beans from sensi skunk 12/12fs. Look forward to seeing ya girls mate, i normally stick my head in the 12/12fs thread now and again so i might see you there.


Well-Known Member
Aye that you could, some strains better than others but on the whole its a pretty damm fine way to grow. Any method has its pros and cons theres just alot of BS about 12/12fs most from thos which have never done it.
Jimmy, you from Scotland? Just a guess......... :)
With a Charles Bronson avatar?