Clean Up

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
(2) for each registered qualifying patient who has specified that the primary caregiver will be allowed under state law to cultivate marihuana for the 12 marihuana plants kept in an enclosed, locked facility; and

Cory and trevor..there is the section of the law as written...where does it say the plants now belong to the care giver?
Because I read law: to cultivate marihuana for the qualifying patient, and that doesn't say to cultivate his new found plants and supply the patient.

So, If I boarded my horses with you, they are no longer mine? Or they are mine, but when I'm not enjoying them, you can rent them out to plow fields?

With all due respect, you may want to work with those kids on interpreting what they read.
Gosh Bob, did you bring plants to your caregiver to "board"? was it seeds? Cuttings maybe? This is not the case as I interpreted your statements about "your" plants. With all due respect, I've read the law and I still believe its rights not plants. Horses you own and exist and are already born are quiet different then plants that are only ideas and thoughts not flesh and roots yet. I get your comparison but I think a caregiver would be more like a breeder and not a boarder. At any rate, you're very inteligent so I suspect you are just using that flawed comparison to argue with me. Your card differs from a caregiver when you give up plant rights in the way the gentleman below states-you aren't allowed to hold plants, your caregiver is. if ths situation is not OK with you then you shouldn't have signed the caregver on. You can't posess plants. Posess here, there or anywhere it is also very clear in the law that you cannot posess plants. very simply. The law does not cover any disclosure of cost, profit or plant count to a patient. if that needs to be changed let's change it. I feel it needs to be broadened to include everyone over 18 years of age anyway.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
You know better than that. Give douchebags a place where they can go ruin threads and fuck with people anonymously and they will never stop. I bet you most of them wouldn't say a thing to someone's face, most of them probably can't even stand up to their wives...or gay boyfriends or whatever.
That comment is pure Michigan-the gay-hateningest state on earth.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Gosh Bob, did you bring plants to your caregiver to "board"? was it seeds? Cuttings maybe? This is not the case as I interpreted your statements about "your" plants. With all due respect, I've read the law and I still believe its rights not plants. Horses you own and exist and are already born are quiet different then plants that are only ideas and thoughts not flesh and roots yet. I get your comparison but I think a caregiver would be more like a breeder and not a boarder. At any rate, you're very inteligent so I suspect you are just using that flawed comparison to argue with me. Your card differs from a caregiver when you give up plant rights in the way the gentleman below states-you aren't allowed to hold plants, your caregiver is. if ths situation is not OK with you then you shouldn't have signed the caregver on. You can't posess plants. Posess here, there or anywhere it is also very clear in the law that you cannot posess plants. very simply. The law does not cover any disclosure of cost, profit or plant count to a patient. if that needs to be changed let's change it. I feel it needs to be broadened to include everyone over 18 years of age anyway.
I grow my own..see care givers all wanted my plant count, then still wanted to either charge me for ecerythjing I needed, or at most give mo 1 oz per month.

And you can interpret the law to mean that you get the rights to the plants if you wish. You'd be wrong, as you'd know if you were reading about proposed changes for caregivers (like seperating each patients plants with a chicken wire wall, or worse, making each patients plants be in a separate room.

And again, the reason that once a patient assigns a cg the patient's card says "no plants" is so that the plant count can't be double dipped. I t has nothing to do with your "rights" to the plants.


Active Member
I grow my own..see care givers all wanted my plant count, then still wanted to either charge me for ecerythjing I needed, or at most give mo 1 oz per month.

And you can interpret the law to mean that you get the rights to the plants if you wish. You'd be wrong, as you'd know if you were reading about proposed changes for caregivers (like seperating each patients plants with a chicken wire wall, or worse, making each patients plants be in a separate room.

And again, the reason that once a patient assigns a cg the patient's card says "no plants" is so that the plant count can't be double dipped. I t has nothing to do with your "rights" to the plants.
Now Bob...havent you said you only smoke a gram or less a day? Why would you need more than an ounce for free? Seems like a lot of work for someone with your condition that only requires a gram a day. You got all twelve going? If so must be some shitty plants or alot of overages. Im just sayin

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Now Bob...havent you said you only smoke a gram or less a day? Why would you need more than an ounce for free? Seems like a lot of work for someone with your condition that only requires a gram a day. You got all twelve going? If so must be some shitty plants or alot of overages. Im just sayin
I do only smoke a gram a day. Wouldn't need more than an oz per month. Why would a cg need to flower all 12 of my plants to get me my oz per month? I grow myself because I enjoy the hobby aspect of it. Not much work at all...45 min a day average maybe. Lots of days no work...manicure days lots of work. But no more than maybe 40 hours or so for a 8 week grow.

Great plants, some overage's, which I used to be able to trade to dispensaries legally.And yes, make a modest profit. Now the p2p ruling has changed that. Don't you see? I used to be fine...grew the strain I needed, was able to get my overages to other patients without being a cg. Now, I would be forced to break the law to get rid of overages. As are real caregivers, now that they can only supply their direct patients. Now I could become a cg, and I wouldn't need their plant count to supply some patients and myself. I'd stay with 12 and make free meds for myself and a small profit (assuming a small donation from my patients) But I live in a locality that has really wacky caregiver ordinances...Like getting a business license, having fire and electrical inspections..thing like that, that I really don't wish to deal with.

Of course, that's exactly what the cash cropping idiots wanted anyhow....since they knew they were working outside the intent of the law, they fucked it up for those of us working within the intent of the law. No greater risk for them, less competition, higher prices for the cash croppers.

You sound like you're all for the cash croppers...just sayin...

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Hope this thread stays alive. All the idiots can come here and bash me, that will keep them from polluting the meaningful threads. And I have to admit, it is fun toy toy with their simple minds...

bob harris

Well-Known Member
When I was a kid I wished I had a shit ton of bud now I don't want a shit ton just enough bud. Funny how things change.
Yeah, I know what ya mean.

See, we argued, got to know each other and now have an understanding of what each other is about...that's mature social interaction.

On the other hand..some people never grow up...

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Holy shit you found something Bob has no comment on!!! Bravo, bravo.... Whether its real or not, you quieted the beast.
Ozzrock HAD to post something nice, to change the subject from His unjustly busted, care giver model, Mr. Roberts.

I mean, anyone that would cite that case as "unjust" has a pretty loose sense of justice...

How do you feel about Mr. Roberts, or Barb Agro for that matter? Your poster childs too?


Well-Known Member
Ozzrock HAD to post something nice, to change the subject from His unjustly busted, care giver model, Mr. Roberts.

I mean, anyone that would cite that case as "unjust" has a pretty loose sense of justice...

How do you feel about Mr. Roberts, or Barb Agro for that matter? Your poster childs too?
No. When you say how much someone as a caregiver needs to grow to take care of patients you should learn what the fuck you are talking about.
It takes a ton of cannabis to make simpson oil but your dumbass doesnt realize that and neither do your law enforcement buddies. You knew nothing about it thats why you did not have a response and why you should not have even have attempted to touch the subject. Like I said I guess you think it is ok for someone to pay with their life over a plant... Good think they got one 70 year old drug dealer off the street even if it was from a heart attack. Serves them right huh Bob? You fuckin make me sicker than I already am.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
No. When you say how much someone as a caregiver needs to grow to take care of patients you should learn what the fuck you are talking about.
It takes a ton of cannabis to make simpson oil but your dumbass doesnt realize that and neither do your law enforcement buddies. You knew nothing about it thats why you did not have a response and why you should not have even have attempted to touch the subject. Like I said I guess you think it is ok for someone to pay with their life over a plant... Good think they got one 70 year old drug dealer off the street even if it was from a heart attack. Serves them right huh Bob? You fuckin make me sicker than I already am.
The Argo I said before, what did she do RIGHT? 70 year old people have heart attacks. I'm sorry the guy died. Said that before too. but to hang your hat on a case like that, or Mr.Rroberts is ridiculous. And to state for fact that the man died due to the "stress of the raid" is just ridiculous. He died days later, seems like most of the "stress" of the raid would be over by then. Again, I don't say that to belittle the deceased. I say it to point out how desperate you are in your anti social/government views

I know how much product goes into Simpson oil...It's usually secondary material. Sugar leaf trim from manicure, trichlome covered fan leaves.
Great stuff for some patients. Also a great way to use your trim. To make more profit.

I have no doubt that there are guys like ismokealot using premium plant material. But that's not the general case. And just how much simpson oil could one get using all 12 plants? Could ya put a number on that for me? educate me..please? need all 12 for 1oz? 5 oz?

Also, please inform me how much oil the average patient could use a month?

Educate me, don't just piss.

Please,please,please inform me how much must be grown per patient? I beg for your knowledge...

bob harris

Well-Known Member

Here ya go ozzrock...

A l lb of material...2 to three months treatment for most patients. Watch the video..far from manicured bud that Mr Simpson starts with. Now, how many plants does it take to get a lb of "material" not manicured buds? 2?....3?....

edited to say...I watched the video again, and I didn't see ANY flowers...hmmmm looks like Mr. Simpson uses his buds elsewhere.

I'm sure he'd be proud of you. Using his cancer treating oil as an excuse to cash crop.

Well, that should keep ozzrock away for awhile..why he goes duhhhh, how do I answer that.'re so easy, quit hitting yourself in the face.


Well-Known Member
First off I do not hang my hat on anyone else. I do not cash crop for anything. You do not know how much cancer patients use and personally I do not thing you care if they can get it or need it or not. I am not here to educate you on anything. I mean if you were someone I thought really wanted help with something I would do anything in my power to help you as much as I could. If you think every case out there or even close to almost all cases out there SHOULD be prosecuted then I am sorry to say you are not on the same side as I. Almost every topic you make sounds like you are either a cop or anti MMJ. Go ahead and enlighten these people some more about how happy you are to see all these people in trouble for trying to simply use their medicine. I know there are those out there that skirt the law but fact is you people will not except the fact that you got your ass handed to you and it is time to shut the fuck up already.


Active Member
I do only smoke a gram a day. Wouldn't need more than an oz per month. Why would a cg need to flower all 12 of my plants to get me my oz per month? I grow myself because I enjoy the hobby aspect of it. Not much work at all...45 min a day average maybe. Lots of days no work...manicure days lots of work. But no more than maybe 40 hours or so for a 8 week grow.

Great plants, some overage's, which I used to be able to trade to dispensaries legally.And yes, make a modest profit. Now the p2p ruling has changed that. Don't you see? I used to be fine...grew the strain I needed, was able to get my overages to other patients without being a cg. Now, I would be forced to break the law to get rid of overages. As are real caregivers, now that they can only supply their direct patients. Now I could become a cg, and I wouldn't need their plant count to supply some patients and myself. I'd stay with 12 and make free meds for myself and a small profit (assuming a small donation from my patients) But I live in a locality that has really wacky caregiver ordinances...Like getting a business license, having fire and electrical inspections..thing like that, that I really don't wish to deal with.

Of course, that's exactly what the cash cropping idiots wanted anyhow....since they knew they were working outside the intent of the law, they fucked it up for those of us working within the intent of the law. No greater risk for them, less competition, higher prices for the cash croppers.

You sound like you're all for the cash croppers...just sayin...
40 hrs for 8 weeks, for one patient. Now, do it with 6 patients. thats 240 hrs for 8 weeks. thats 30 hrs a week. I do believe thats how much time you spend, but that is a pretty conservative number for most caregivers with 6 patients (one of which being themselves) that are trying to maintain a LEGAL plant count of 72 plants. You know as well as I do that to tend to 72 LEGAL plants is going to require even more than your original figure. So if a caregiver makes high quality meds for 6 patients, we now agree that it takes a bare minimum of 30 hrs a week. More like 40. Thats fair right. So why would it be unfair to make 60k a year for that amount of time. Remember we are only talking about time, not one cent of actual costs have been added in yet. (I would go thru all those other costs, but you know what im talking about.) Try to tend to enough plants for 6 patients and have a full time job inorder to pay your bills, then give your meds away. It makes no sense. Everybody and their brother has something that is going to kill them tomorrow. Hell so do I, that doesnt mean I get my medicine for free. Are my pills free? Are my wifes surgeries free? Is our doctors visit free once a month? NO, NO, and NO So yup, if by saying im a "cashcropper" you mean: I believe that someone that is good at producing meds, and is willing to produce yours for you, should be compensated...Yes. even compensated to the point of making a profit. Hell Yes!


Well-Known Member
FYI Bob, Simpson Oil is used as a course of chemo for cancer patients. People making REAL simpson oil are not using sugar leaves. It takes one pound of buds to produce enough RSO for one course of treatment.