Clean Up


New Member
You guys come on! Do you think a patient wants to look through pages and pages of circle jerkin to find a caregiver in their area ? If you have an opening for a patient post it someone will pm you if they are interested. Again don't post your email its against the rules.


Well-Known Member
There ya go again..never said cure..there is no cure. Never mentioned sell, never mentioned donation, I may give the meds to a Parkinson's patient. But go twisting words...

I see now why you are not at all liked in these forums.

I would suggest that we all decline to respond to bob anymore. There is NOT alot of us posting in the MI section we can all ignore him rather than give him what he wants which he clearly proved he want to argue because he been fighting about 8 different people on the same topics for a week now.



New Member
I was able to contact mr nice directly the public can get the z7 series seeds high in cbd for a limited time. They will do stealth shipping for 5 more euros so 55 euros that's 76 dollars us and change so call it 77 dollars total. Here is a link you will have to send an email to get the shipping info it was a pdf file so i couldn't post it

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
I see now why you are not at all liked in these forums.

I would suggest that we all decline to respond to bob anymore. There is NOT alot of us posting in the MI section we can all ignore him rather than give him what he wants which he clearly proved he want to argue because he been fighting about 8 different people on the same topics for a week now.

I don't have a problem with the guy, and if meat puppets didn't sniper his posts and could keep up with the conversation most would find him rather refreshing for the forums.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
your right the second meeting eliminates ALL risk.

can you show me where i twisted your words in regard to or even talked about donation or selling>? please show me. heres the words again ...
Originally Posted by rzza

when its done on craigslist the same thing happen. you establish identity, check cards and i.d and handle the transaction. You often find the meds description as well, many say great for pain or nausea etc ....

so sorry to the people who wanted the parkinson cure, its off the table now.

One last thing. You never even considered that part of my end of establishing trust would involve more that verifying ID.

Parkinson's patients are fairly easy to spot, to another Parkinson patient. Or to someone familiar with Parkinson's.

Even well controlled Parkinson's patients will tend to have one or more of the following symptoms:

Lack of affect in facial muscles. to include: slow eye movement or fixed eye position. They will move their entire head when they change what they are looking at, not just shift their eyes. Excessive saliva, obvious swallowing when it builds up in their mouth, or possibly even drooling. A smile that seems awkward or forced.

A tendency to exhibit "freezing". A hesitation walking when the floor changes, say from tile to carpet. A hesitation when standing from a seated position. A hesitation after standing, and before beginning to walk.

Reduced or missing arm swing in one arm while walking.
General slowness of movement.
Slow speech, soft voice.


Well-Known Member
One last thing. You never even considered that part of my end of establishing trust would involve more that verifying ID.
thats because you didnt say establish trust you said establish identity. or did you run back and change that already? pfft


Well-Known Member
Right Bob? You shmuck, quit twistin words around and just give up already. I am.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
I see now why you are not at all liked in these forums.

I would suggest that we all decline to respond to bob anymore. There is NOT alot of us posting in the MI section we can all ignore him rather than give him what he wants which he clearly proved he want to argue because he been fighting about 8 different people on the same topics for a week now.

Again...I answer a direct question with direct answers. You avoid answering anything..throw your hands in the air and and srceam "TROLL"


Well-Known Member
subcool -

is generally respected in this community, as an advanced grower and expert on the medical benefits of sativa strains. i wonder why?


New Member
I will be posting a tread on how to make tincture soon. Ill post one on this thread and Ill make another thread for everyone. Meanwhile lets deflate our egos and help people instead of arguing about pointless bs.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
I don't have a problem with the guy, and if meat puppets didn't sniper his posts and could keep up with the conversation most would find him rather refreshing for the forums.

Thank you. If I disagree..I'm arguing. If I defend my position with facts..I'm a google Nazi (whatever that is) If I answer a direct challenge, and ask for a direct response, I get a call for the hyena I said, tough crowd

bob harris

Well-Known Member
subcool -

is generally respected in this community, as an advanced grower and expert on the medical benefits of sativa strains. i wonder why?
Because he's got mad skills. He's also really harsh when someone makes a stupid comment. Go into his threads and check the likes he's given me when posting about Sativas. He actually understands what I' saying, and why I do what I do with Light intensity And Uvb.
He understands, and has published his thoughts on trichlome "ambering", and why most people don't understand it, as relating to Sativa effects. (ambering is a sign that thc/thcv are degrading into cbd)

I try and give you guys the exact same info...and you cry bullshit. Ask sub about thcv as it relates to neurological disorders, he'd tell you the exact same thing that I have told you. And if you posted the same rebuttals to him, that you've posted to me..his reaction would be far harsher than mine have been.

The real problem here is that a small group of guys, wish to dominate the forum with no new input allowed.

smokealotofpot, when confronted with a direct response to a challenge,,,,and asked a direct question, reacted by saying something to the effect of "there are only about 8 of us using this forum, lets band together and ignore bob till he goes away" Did you ever stop to consider that there are only "about 8" of you, because every time a newcomer gang up like hyenas and chase him away?

You accept what he says, because he is a published author and noted breeder. Did you know Sub's been kick off many a forum, because he can be so harsh to people? I am not comparing myself to Sub in ability or knowledge..better put that in here so one of you doesn't twist that into "so now he thinks he's subcool"

bob harris

Well-Known Member
thats because you didnt say establish trust you said establish identity. or did you run back and change that already? pfft
I believe I did say that...and please stop accusing me of going back and editing posts for content. Your simply trying to justify your inability to read posts accurately. You lash out when when challenged....and make shit up to justify yourself when challenged...You got caught twisting my words, you asked me to show you, I did, so you have to come up with a reason that your not wrong.

Man up brother...

bob harris

Well-Known Member
thats because you didnt say establish trust you said establish identity. or did you run back and change that already? pfft
Sorry, went back and are right. I didn't say establish trust. Must have thought that would be understood. After all, you wouldn't do business with someone you didn't trust, regardless of whether they had proper ID.

I apologize...see how easy it is to man up?

bob harris

Well-Known Member
wasn't trying to run you out-

we like the stimulating viewpoints.
Thanks Murph...It's others that seems to be trying to run me out...Your trying to understand me..I get that..It's why I always try to take the time to write you detailed answers.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
wasn't trying to run you out-

we like the stimulating viewpoints.
Murph, by the way, I like that green chick in your avatar. I've like green chicks ever since Capt. kirk ran into that one in the original Star Trek.

And the way that one is bending down and holding her ass up for Frankie.....well she' just the type of dirty little slut i like...