Transplanting issue/question


Active Member
I thought this was good discussion and debate...

I wouldn't go from a cup to a 10g container.. Then again I would never use anything larger than a 5g and IMO 5g is too large for anything less then a 5'+ tree.

My issue was that I don't think potting from a cup to a 1/2 g to a 1g to a 3g is going to make a better root system than going from a cup to a 3g.
I never said go from cup to 3gal was bad...going from cup to 5gal is. Reread my relpy. Fact not opion. Backed by botnay not by newbies saying its a weed. Ever grow Top Kush strains then tell me its a weed. Some strians won't come out right if the conditions are not met and some will grow no matter what you throw at them.


Well-Known Member
True..but its still not the BEST way! And 20-30oz ok...Unless its outside or some airly ass buds no way. Sorry BS on that one.
I said out back. Yes, it is outside. I might put up some pics in a few here, I was going to wait a couple weeks until they fill out all the way but I might take some before then. Then again I might wait I'm not really sure. I'm feeling pretty lazy bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Outside the top layer drys out fast, the plant has a tap root that finds water below.

Look at Hempy buckets, only the bottom two inches has water, the rest of the bucket is fast draining.

All I was saying is, it aint right to stick a little plant in a huge smartpot, it would take forever to dry out.

3-5 gal smartpots are ideal for indoors.


Exactly like I said, the ground doesn't dry out faster than pots. Maybe if youre in death valley, but not in Michigan.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see pics... Whish I could do an outdoor crop. Nothing beats Greenhouse grown buds.
Why can't you do one? I've got a few nice ones out there. Next year if I can get a big enough space I might do all mine out there. I'm trying to take a bunch of these Free Leonard clones and give some out but my cloner took a shit on me :evil:


Active Member
Can't grow outdoors unless its locked in a Greenhouse. My bro up north just got raided for growing outdoors with them fenced in and locked. Still fighting in court. Not worth the risk. They will bust you for growing carefull


Well-Known Member
Eh, I haven't heard anything about that in the news. Either way it doesn't matter to me, a precedent has to be set one way or another, may as well be me lol.

I called the medical marijuana info center and they told me it's completely legal as long as it's fenced in, all 4 sides and the top and locked. I'll take their word for it seeing how it's in their best interest to keep everyone legal. They also said you can't have buds sticking out everywhere, just called them again to check the other day. I can get the number if anyone wants it. It's already been gone over ad nauseum in another thread though so it's not worth talking about anymore in this one.

Either way I hope this dude got his transplant question answered lol :lol:


Active Member
I took clones in 16 oz. cups and put them str8 into 7 gallon pots with great results. I'm with MotorBuds...the ground is unlimited gallons of soil....just sayin'


Active Member
I know you can but...... to ge the fastest groth rate you need to pot up. I have tried both ways for YEARS and always go back to potting up transplant. I have well over 200 harvests under my belt...not trying to talk shit just want to help.....Why you guys fighting me on this when I have been doing this way longer than most of you?
I've been a production grower. Why would you transplant into a huge pot and wait it for it to fill when you can get it to fill in 1.5 weeks then move to the me it works! My yeilds and meds are proff...but I cant prove it on the net. How many of you have 10 pateints ( Wife is caregiver also ) and run a 8KW room and have a waiting list of patients wating YOUR meds...Not many cause all the poser cargivers make my job easy,,.,Nuff said


Well-Known Member
LOL, so now if we're not running 8K watt rooms we're posers?

For someone wanting "good discussion and debate" you seem to be prone to insults and belittling. Wouldn't that make you the loser of the debate?

Fuck caregivers anyways, who needs one? Not me. You don't have to be a caregiver to grow the kind..


New Member
Well i go from clone to 1 gal pot to a five. That's just me i never have much trouble. The worst thing i see you doing is smoking tobacco. Nicotine is a killer make sure you wash your hands good.Don't handle seed,soil,or roots unless you wash your hands. You don't want tobacco mosaic virus. You cant get rid of it once you have it. Happy growing.


Just a quick question about the smart pots, what are they, i don't think i've ever heard about them? Thanks in advance for the info


Well-Known Member
I know you can but...... to ge the fastest groth rate you need to pot up. I have tried both ways for YEARS and always go back to potting up transplant. I have well over 200 harvests under my belt...not trying to talk shit just want to help.....Why you guys fighting me on this when I have been doing this way longer than most of you?
I've been a production grower. Why would you transplant into a huge pot and wait it for it to fill when you can get it to fill in 1.5 weeks then move to the me it works! My yeilds and meds are proff...but I cant prove it on the net. How many of you have 10 pateints ( Wife is caregiver also ) and run a 8KW room and have a waiting list of patients wating YOUR meds...Not many cause all the poser cargivers make my job easy,,.,Nuff said
Guess what? I hate to have to be the bearer of reality here but just because you've been growing since the dawn of time and have a million grows under your belt in a 100,000 watt grow room doesn't make you a better grower than anyone else here. It actually reminds me of the saying about guys who are always talking about how "big" they are, are usually the smallest.

Just because YOU prefer to do something one way, doesn't mean everyone likes to do it or find it necessary. I find it unnecessary, I've done it both ways and to me, it's an unecessary step to transplant 4 times to get to a 7 gallon pot and I will never do it. I didn't have to do it "both ways for years" to figure out what works for me. Makes me wonder why you would do something for years when you don't like the results.

For claiming to be open minded, you are far from it. You're basically saying everyone who doesn't do it like you do is wrong. Sorry but you're not better than anyone else and growing MJ isn't rocket science. Nice ego though.


Well-Known Member
I like to go from beer cup to 2 gal, then to 3 or 5 gal.

Not only do I like my plants to suck down the nute solution quickly, and the pot to dry out faster.

But by potting up you refresh your soil every few weeks by goin to a bigger pot, the lime that comes in pro-mix or sunshine mix only lasts 6 weeks, also by re-potting you get a nice flush of old salt build-up.


Active Member
I like to go from beer cup to 2 gal, then to 3 or 5 gal.

Not only do I like my plants to suck down the nute solution quickly, and the pot to dry out faster.

But by potting up you refresh your soil every few weeks by goin to a bigger pot, the lime that comes in pro-mix or sunshine mix only lasts 6 weeks, also by re-potting you get a nice flush of old salt build-up.
Well your not doing it right just ask these pro'


Well-Known Member
Lol aw poor baby got butt hurt. That's ok, it's just the Internet buddy. I'm sure there's a shoulder somewhere you can cry on.

If you're not used to people having different opinions by now I'm not sure about you, and getting so upset about people having different upcanning habits than you well, good luck dealing with eveythibg else in life. Go smoke some weed.


Active Member
OT. My dog died yesterday and I'm not taking it well...Sorry for getting all bent..I was just trying to help with my experiance and got defensive.


Well-Known Member
Organic, I didn't mean fuck you personally lol.. I meant fuck caregivers that think they are a step above a patient who grows for themselves because they have 8K watts of lights and 70 plants instead of a personal grow. :)

No need to take that personally unless you fall into that category.

Sorry about your dog.