How To Break It To My Mom?


Well-Known Member
tell them both to get bent, listen to your moma on this one.
It's not too often good advice comes from a tweaker. Don't waste it.
You'd be better off giving it to her. At least that way you're not sitting around waiting for it to come back.


bud bootlegger
fuck my dad and him are asking me to help him... :(
i don't get it urca, he's got two jobs, you've got nada, how long would it take for him to save up his own cash?? not very long working two jobs imo.. you live with your mom, who cares what your dad wants you to do, lol.. seriously though, don't do it girl..


Well-Known Member
you're giving money to a sibling in a different state?

and you think you're going to get paid back?

... lol


Well-Known Member
so what happens when this cheap ass car breaks down in a month or two and he can't afford to get it fixed.

this is the most important rule in life when it comes to money and i want everyone to write this down in their minds:



Pickle Queen
what does he spend his money on? why cant HE finance a car and have ur dad sign , sorry something seems off here lmfao


bud bootlegger
what does he spend his money on? why cant HE finance a car and have ur dad sign , sorry something seems off here lmfao
that's what i'm saying april.. i mean, how hard is it for him to scrape up $1200 or whatever it is?? where's all of his cash going, and why's he depending on some one with no job for money?? talk about ass backwards.. :(

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Your brother may get mad but he'll get over it. What is going to happen when you can't afford college and need to get a job? Then you will end up quitting college and start working full time. If he has one job then your dad can take him back and forth to work. That's 20 or 30 minutes out of his day. Don't do it Urca. It's a bad decision you are going to regret.


New Member
if he can't get a loan from a bank then why would you loan him anything at all? The bank didn't do it for a reason.


Well-Known Member
KEEP YOUR MONEY ! Do not give it away !
Ok so i already mentioned i was getting 2500 in financial aid in about two weeks. well, my brother and i had a long talk today, and im loaning him 1200 bucks so he can get a car. the bank wouldnt give him the loan, but he needs a car really bad.
his old car went out on him, and now he has to take my dad's car to his work, but the thing is my bro works full time so my dad never gets to use his own car.
he and i agreed on a payment schedule of 100 bucks a month until im paid back.

my mom is gonna flip though, idk how to tell her. any ideas? she's gonna be pissed