might get BUSTED HELP!


Active Member
okay so obv im growing indoors. but i put them in the sun in the afternoon. out of nowhere the cps energy guy goes through my backyard and well obviously see's them i go out there like.. what the fuck. and hes like oh im just testing your meter. what the fuck do i do !?!?! ://///


Well-Known Member
Dump it, he'll either call the cops or try and steal or...or maybe he won't do anything but you're going to be paranoid as fuck. So for peace of mind, get rid.


Active Member
i have to agree with stoner...maybe give it a month or two, and if nothing happens, go for it again...

might i ask why you were taking your plants outside? besides what just happened, it seems like all the movement would be stressful for the girls...


Active Member
Dump it, he'll either call the cops or try and steal or...or maybe he won't do anything but you're going to be paranoid as fuck. So for peace of mind, get rid.
yeah i am paranoid as fuck.. i might just keep them inside cus if cops came i don tthink they'd find it.. this grow spot is fukn pro


Well-Known Member
Chances are he did his job and didn't notice a thing. I bet folks like that see a lot more crazy things. Dude probably just did his job and went home not caring at all.

I would also be a lot more careful in the future if I lived in a non med state. Sounds like you let your guard down.


Active Member
1. Get your license and become legal.
2. Get rid of everything, including your smoking devices, and deny everything when they come.
3. Accept your punishment and move forward.

Not really many other choices than that.

Sounds like your misfortune may cost you some freedom for awhile.

Just as I was gathering all the info. and getting my doctors visits in, I got caught with an 1/8th, payed the price and had to wait to get my license. It took 2 years, but I am a legal beagle now in my state.


Active Member
i live in texas.... a fuckin anal state thats like never going to legalize and tip top if they get a warrant they can easily come inside.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
They can't get a warrant.... sheesh. Or wait, do you believe that you can walk into the police station tell them you saw a cannabis plant in your headmasters garden and they'll obtain a search warrant? :D Even if they did you wouldn't even need to hire a lawyer to have the prosecution laughed out of court. Learn the law and your rights! It's not rocket science.


Active Member
They can't get a warrant.... sheesh. Or wait, do you believe that you can walk into the police station tell them you saw a cannabis plant in your headmasters garden and they'll obtain a search warrant? :D Even if they did you wouldn't even need to hire a lawyer to have the prosecution laughed out of court. Learn the law and your rights! It's not rocket science.
you're making me more comftorable so thank you for that...


Active Member
They can't get a warrant.... sheesh. Or wait, do you believe that you can walk into the police station tell them you saw a cannabis plant in your headmasters garden and they'll obtain a search warrant? :D Even if they did you wouldn't even need to hire a lawyer to have the prosecution laughed out of court. Learn the law and your rights! It's not rocket science.
Don't listen to this guy. He makes it sound like cops are all by the books. If they bust you and think it has a chance to get thrown out, they will make it to where it won't get thrown out. They could say they smelled it outside, which gives them probable cause. Then your fucked. They work too hard to have things thrown out. They will do all they can to make sure that doesn't happen. Get rid of em for a while and be safe. Not worth getting on probation for five years .

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Jesus christ almight you guys are paranoid :lol: I'm quite amazed at how you guys bend over backwards for the police, where the fuck did your constitution go? Sorry if you don't quite understand how the law works and how to play the game, might be worth doing some reading ;) but hey, most people just open the door when the police knock :lol:


Active Member
Jesus christ almight you guys are paranoid :lol: I'm quite amazed at how you guys bend over backwards for the police, where the fuck did your constitution go? Sorry if you don't quite understand how the law works and how to play the game, might be worth doing some reading ;) but hey, most people just open the door when the police knock :lol:
This coming from a guy who I can almost guarantee has had little to no dealings with the police. Things don't work quite the way like your dream land makes it out to be. Citing constitutional rights sounds good and all, but you will be the dirtbag who got caught with drugs. Who will the jury or judge believe? Dirtbag or someone who is "doing his duty upholding the law". This guy has watched too much matlock

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
HAhahaha, you amuse me greatly, that is all. Seems you guarantee sweet fuck all :lol: If you have 2 brain cells it would never even get infront of a jury. As i've said, the warrant would be laughed out of court unless you are utterly and totally incompetent :D God you guys are pussy whipped by the government. You can't even defend yoruself with words, what the fuck are your gun laws there for? :lol: what a fucking joke hahaha

But of course, you can guarantee what has happened in my life, you know all about me, lol, grow the fuck up.