What Has This World Become?


Active Member
this morning i woke up and i just thought to myself,
where the fuck are we heading ? what are we doing here?
why is it that we always need more more more ???
what has the government turned us into, not just the U.S., but Canada,china, and everywhere... ?

why do we, human beings, have to use more and more, until we don't have anymore?
why cant we content ourselves with what we have?
why do have to always search for success?

in my life,which i have only lived a small 19 years, iv seen people destroy for stupid shit.iv seen people cause wars on a natural resource, iv seen people getting push to learn shit that will never be useful to them, iv seen large amounts of wins, and failures in my life from an omniscient point of view.

i remember my grand mother talking to me about how school and life was like 50 years ago, they managed to have fun with just rocks and sticks, they had what seemed a decent education, math, english, and other basic stuff. they didnt have to learn everything that were in books by heart, they were taught traditionally ,(of course most of it was base along with religion) they were taught, not told to memorize.

why did the human race have to over develope? i remember when i was 5, i was given my first game boy, the fat, black and white screen, with low graphics, i was the happiest kid on earth, now i see my little brother and sister getting a brand new ipod touch with high def, color displays, and all they nag about is how lame the graphics are, how long it take to load, and how it never fucking works how you want it too.... what happened to the part about being grateful of the fact that your parents spent loads of money on something? why is everybody ungratefull?

i find it sad that every body is being pushed to succeed.when you go out to work at the head of a company, which bring you thousands of dollars a month, and you dont have the time to spent 25 minutes helping your son with his homework because you have a meeting somewhere, how the fuck can you enjoy the little things in life? how can you say to yourself "i love my life,i love going to beach with my son,i love making love to my wife" you simply cant....

what iv learned in my life is that you eather live with success failure or contentment....
success for me is not an option, it rips you apart from your humanity,from your self respect, and respect towards others...it destroys families, tears people down, and lastly destroy what you have been fighting for all your life, its those "successful" people that make this world so horrible, they pick on the poor for there money, and then runaway destroying other lives....
IMHO id rather fail my own life alone than success and take other peoples....
and for contentment: to me contentment is something we all need to accept and have... we dont need to make 15,000$ a month, we dont need 2 pools, a jaccuzi, 3 cars and all the bullshit.
im content with my life, my living style... i dont make millions of dollars, but what i do make, is 1 small change in this world,i dont force it to go somewhere, i let it go by its self... i enjoy all the little things in life from looking at my GF in the eyes, to stepping in a pile of dog shit.... of coure dog shit isnt very apealing, but when you you realise that the dog shit you just stepped on was just pure coincidence, i end up enjoying the fact that nothing in this world really does have a correlation, everything happens for a reason,but at the same time, it happens randomely....we need to start to open our minds a little,think.... dont let other people tell you what you are, and who you are...
is it normal that 5% of children in this world suffer from depression? (http://psychcentral.com/lib/2007/children-and-depression/)
is it normal that all we do in life is pay taxes?
is it normal that some people are billionaires, and some dont even have the equivalent of 2 cents of stuff ?

i know this message is fuckin long but where the fuck are we headed ?
do we realy want to succeed ? what does succeeding really mean ?
are you contented with your life you are living ?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
the first step of survival is to accept what you cant change and adjust.........if you cant adjust then your fucked lol


Active Member
the first step of survival is to accept what you cant change and adjust.........if you cant adjust then your fucked lol
thats what depresses me.... you cant change the molecular structur of water, you cant change or defy gravity, you cant change the laws of physics, but YOU CAN CHANGE THE WAY YOU LIVE, you can change the way look at the world, you can change who is leading your country.... YOU can change.......
why do you beileve you cant change a thing.... the human being has changed litterally everything in this world...... and then you get told that you cant change shit so you beileve it ????
of course there are things that cant be changed, but you... a human, can move your ass and change....



Active Member
I hear you. Normal for some reason continues to escalate always up and up. If one really thinks about what is normal, it has nothing to do with the here and now. Example, lets just say Chicago, the normal temp for June is 75 and for December is 5 below. We as humans just think that is normal, but when you open up the big picture, where in this universe is this normal or average. I would say average is probably closer to absolute zero.

So when we say average is to make 4000 per month, well is it, or is it once again man determining the average.

The moral to the story, dont get caught up with what everybody else calls normal, do your thing, do what makes you happy. If that is living under a bridge or being a millionare. To many people do what they think society wants them to do.


Active Member
I hear you. Normal for some reason continues to escalate always up and up. If one really thinks about what is normal, it has nothing to do with the here and now. Example, lets just say Chicago, the normal temp for June is 75 and for December is 5 below. We as humans just think that is normal, but when you open up the big picture, where in this universe is this normal or average. I would say average is probably closer to absolute zero.

So when we say average is to make 4000 per month, well is it, or is it once again man determining the average.

The moral to the story, dont get caught up with what everybody else calls normal, do your thing, do what makes you happy. If that is living under a bridge or being a millionare. To many people do what they think society wants them to do.
i totally agree :D and nice way to say it....


Well-Known Member
its all about profit and sending as many people to hell as possible,just turn on your t.v u will see it all day long.


Active Member
its all about profit and sending as many people to hell as possible,just turn on your t.v u will see it all day long.
fucking sucks to know we have all been brainwashed by the govs..... time to go back to hippy time and start a revolt ;)


Well-Known Member
And what about all this texting shit..cant any body talk on the phone any more..
i love texting and talking on the phone...but its strictly text when its something unimportant because talking on the phone interrupts my juggling and smoking activities. i'm pretty content...i buy what food i need and when i run out of food i go buy more and rinse and repeat pretty much each weekend on that part....now i must say i do over use on cannabis but i enjoy it more than anything...jobs are just a way to keep the powerful/important people from having to do jobs like we have to and yet those who do dirty jobs or jobs that are tougher than most don't get shown very much respect it's kinda sad. hopefully things will change and people will start respecting each other and being grateful for all the little things in our lives.
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Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
And what about all this texting shit..cant any body talk on the phone any more..
Kewl at least theres one more human that actualy prefers talking like people have for millions of years lol

kid these days are fucking retards! no social skills, no clue about anything cuz there born into this texting generation

besides...cell fones scare me....cell fone=bomb

i even write leters to people and use the mailbox with letters like my forefather humans did
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Active Member
Kewl at least theres one more human that actualy prefers talking like people have for millions of years lol

kid these days are fucking retards! no social skills, no clue about anything cuz there born into this texting generation

besides...cell fones scare me....cell fone=bomb

i even write leters to people and use the mailbox with letters like my forefather humans did
one more thing i learned today.....we have a mail box...... i just realised that in the past 5 years, i have not sent 1 letter..... not one......damn.... one more thing ill enjoy looking at next time i get my mail..........
plus rep for reminding me we could sent handwritten letters ;)
Yeah have you seen the way some people type and or text these day's it's pretty scary :( sometimes i wonder if they are taught anything about english or anything related to spelling of the sort...i know i'm not genius in grammar but the stuff i've seen makes my eyes scream bloody murder


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of something that happened to me last spring.

I was on my way into the mall about 10 feet from the doors
There's this guy coming out of the doors walking right at me with his head down texting.

I let his dumbass walk into me and then he had the nerve to call me an asshole..

grabbed his phone and chucked it into some bushes, I'll show you how big of an asshole I am.
This reminds me of something that happened to me last spring.

I was on my way into the mall about 10 feet from the doors
There's this guy coming out of the doors walking right at me with his head down texting.

I let his dumbass walk into me and then he had the nerve to call me an asshole..

grabbed his phone and chucked it into some bushes, I'll show you how big of an asshole I am.
Another reason to hate texting is because bad drivers -.- i seriously want to strangle some of them when i see them texting while they should be paying attention to the road not when they are getting a new picture message or some bs
i've heard people pulling up to the drive through window of mcdonalds with no pants on and just a ski mask but how true it is i have no idea....some people make my mind just wonder sometimes :3


Well-Known Member
this morning i woke up and i just thought to myself,
where the fuck are we heading ? what are we doing here?
why is it that we always need more more more ???
what has the government turned us into, not just the U.S., but Canada,china, and everywhere... ?

why do we, human beings, have to use more and more, until we don't have anymore?
why cant we content ourselves with what we have?
why do have to always search for success?

in my life,which i have only lived a small 19 years, iv seen people destroy for stupid shit.iv seen people cause wars on a natural resource, iv seen people getting push to learn shit that will never be useful to them, iv seen large amounts of wins, and failures in my life from an omniscient point of view.

i remember my grand mother talking to me about how school and life was like 50 years ago, they managed to have fun with just rocks and sticks, they had what seemed a decent education, math, english, and other basic stuff. they didnt have to learn everything that were in books by heart, they were taught traditionally ,(of course most of it was base along with religion) they were taught, not told to memorize.

why did the human race have to over develope? i remember when i was 5, i was given my first game boy, the fat, black and white screen, with low graphics, i was the happiest kid on earth, now i see my little brother and sister getting a brand new ipod touch with high def, color displays, and all they nag about is how lame the graphics are, how long it take to load, and how it never fucking works how you want it too.... what happened to the part about being grateful of the fact that your parents spent loads of money on something? why is everybody ungratefull?

i find it sad that every body is being pushed to succeed.when you go out to work at the head of a company, which bring you thousands of dollars a month, and you dont have the time to spent 25 minutes helping your son with his homework because you have a meeting somewhere, how the fuck can you enjoy the little things in life? how can you say to yourself "i love my life,i love going to beach with my son,i love making love to my wife" you simply cant....

what iv learned in my life is that you eather live with success failure or contentment....
success for me is not an option, it rips you apart from your humanity,from your self respect, and respect towards others...it destroys families, tears people down, and lastly destroy what you have been fighting for all your life, its those "successful" people that make this world so horrible, they pick on the poor for there money, and then runaway destroying other lives....
IMHO id rather fail my own life alone than success and take other peoples....
and for contentment: to me contentment is something we all need to accept and have... we dont need to make 15,000$ a month, we dont need 2 pools, a jaccuzi, 3 cars and all the bullshit.
im content with my life, my living style... i dont make millions of dollars, but what i do make, is 1 small change in this world,i dont force it to go somewhere, i let it go by its self... i enjoy all the little things in life from looking at my GF in the eyes, to stepping in a pile of dog shit.... of coure dog shit isnt very apealing, but when you you realise that the dog shit you just stepped on was just pure coincidence, i end up enjoying the fact that nothing in this world really does have a correlation, everything happens for a reason,but at the same time, it happens randomely....we need to start to open our minds a little,think.... dont let other people tell you what you are, and who you are...
is it normal that 5% of children in this world suffer from depression? (http://psychcentral.com/lib/2007/children-and-depression/)
is it normal that all we do in life is pay taxes?
is it normal that some people are billionaires, and some dont even have the equivalent of 2 cents of stuff ?

i know this message is fuckin long but where the fuck are we headed ?
do we realy want to succeed ? what does succeeding really mean ?
are you contented with your life you are living ?
I feel the same exact way...the world is messed up. You just have to do your best i guess to be happy because at the end of the day that's all that really matters. What is the point of life if you are not happy? I say screw society and just do what you feel is right...although that can be really hard to do sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Wait till your 60 then when you hear these young people talking about how bad things are,
You have to be part of the system before you can change them, you can't do it from the couch!