

Active Member
hey, I dont know if this is talked about much on this board, I did a quick search and the only thread I could find was more than 2 years old.

anyways I'm just wondering what you guys do in the way of security and surveillance. I'm mostly interested in what you do for when you are not home or near your grow, or even on vacation. :joint:

I was thinking of picking up a system like this

I havent done much research at all, does anyone here use somthing like this? suggestions or better options?

thx :mrgreen:

Rascality Afoot

Well-Known Member
K, so since you and i clearly don't want the heat of a gun and the responsibilty of a dog here's my choice. I use a game (hunting) cam. It snaps a shot when something trips the motion sensor. That lets you know if anybody's been around. Other than that, big locks, and maybe a light on a timer so that folks think you're home.


Active Member
legal grow no weapons stupids thing i ever heard, no guns no profit yeah lets grow legal its safe and theirs money init gtfohfr.


Active Member
AR-15 and rattle snakes, tigers i mean really you goona kill someom=ne over over some buds me nofuckin way but i wanna get out there way safely with my fam for sure and that my take killin them truth of the matter.


Rig the door to your growroom with a claymore. Windows too, if you have them. But nothing beats the good ole fashioned C4 charges with a detenator under the rug right in front of the door... LOL j/k. Seriously though I would just get a couple timers from home depot and hook a couple lamps to them near the windows facing the front of your house. TV's too if your really paranoid.


Well-Known Member
legal grow no weapons stupids thing i ever heard, no guns no profit yeah lets grow legal its safe and theirs money init gtfohfr.
for real huh. loaded guns and a grow room? Sounds like askin for trouble.....hope the cops dont show up, might as well throw in a triple beam and some little baggies too....

Now a dog sounds like a good idea esp. in adittion to some sort of security alarm or camera.... i want to get a camera too ....or that game camera now thats a good idea i never thought of that what a good idea though, only takes a pic when someone walks by it . sweet!


Well-Known Member
I'm a police officer and the first thing i would tell you is..
Kidding! Seriously though a couple cameras mounted in obvious places work wonders. You don't even have to plug them in. Next, drive around a nice neighborhood at night and steal one or two of those small
metal security company signs and put them in your yard. I was told by a policeman that those are very effective. They say " you better know what your doing breaking in here cause people are going to be called"

It's all about deterance. Even if you did get them on film.. WTF you going to do with it? Gonto the police? Drive aroun the city looking for them?

I kind of wish I still had my Doberman. Very nice looking dog, not a needy fuck like so many other dogs and Jesus. She was intimidating as hell. Way more intimidating than a big dumb pit bull. When people came down the street she would never bark, she would go right to the edge of the lawn and just stare at them with that serious face. My buddy said " jesus dude, your dog freaks me out, it's like he's stalking me or waiting for
me to do something wrong". "yeah, that's the point" I said


Well-Known Member
Guns at fuckin stupid with my state 15 Min Mandatory if gun with bud.
Now I do have a few weapons but not on the property where the bud is, Come on Man.....


Active Member
I would highly recommend you DON'T get cameras. That is the most suspicious thing you could do other than set a plant out on the front porch for sunlight. Everytime someone sees one of those they will think, "Why exactly does this guy need cameras that badly?" It will cause you way too much unwanted attention.

I would recommend getting some security alarm stuff. put the stickers on your windows and doors, and a stake in your yard. It looks perfectly normal and will make everyone think twice. Also, a dog is the best security you can have. They hear and smell so much better than we do. They also scare people off. A camera on the other hand, only records.

Guns are a bad idea if you are growing, but you can use non-firearm forms of self defense. I use foam-stream wasp and hornet spray. Same range as a pistol and perfectly lethal, and it will blind you permanently. Another one I think would work well is a paintball gun with a hopper full of pepper-balls (paintballs filled with pepper spray).


Active Member
You're absolutely right though there are exceptions. My friend kept his guns locked in a shed in his backyard. No good for defense there but they were on the property. Got raided and they found around 1.5oz of mushrooms, and equipment for growing bud, and his guns. They never charged him and said it was legal because they weren't in the same area. To me it still isn't worth the risk, but food for thought nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
hey, I dont know if this is talked about much on this board, I did a quick search and the only thread I could find was more than 2 years old.

anyways I'm just wondering what you guys do in the way of security and surveillance. I'm mostly interested in what you do for when you are not home or near your grow, or even on vacation. :joint:

I was thinking of picking up a system like this

I havent done much research at all, does anyone here use somthing like this? suggestions or better options?

thx :mrgreen:
Why the hell would anyone explain their layout to a random online board. I for one woudln't want to leave the information guarding my plants as I woudln't want to increase the chance of survival for a theif if i'm away from my home in any way.

I don't care what state or country you are in, if you plan on stealing any farmers crop no matter what they grow, do not be at all surprised if you or your children are tortured and butchered at some point along the way in retaliation. By evolunary nature farmers are adapted to torturing and murdering people who go near their stuff. If you want to steal someones grow, watch the saw movies first and ask if you are ready for that to happen to you and the innocent people you love first, then make your choice. I hope some of you go alone with stealing, as those Kentucky farmers will really have a brighter day knowing they got a body to torture for the next few years.


Active Member
yeah... a lot of us have dogs and firearms.... i was thinking more along the lines of security for when you are not around....

Whats the point of security when your not around. Do you plan on having some mobil link so if you have unwanted guests you can rush home and catch them? Or do you plan on taking the vidoe to the cops to try and get the people that just broke in and stole your grow put in jail? Yea see my point? Unless your growing in a state were its medicly legal and you have everything on your side meaning compliance with local laws and your 100% legal you rly dont need anything else but a dog or 2 and a gun.


Active Member
Whats the point of security when your not around. Do you plan on having some mobil link so if you have unwanted guests you can rush home and catch them? Or do you plan on taking the vidoe to the cops to try and get the people that just broke in and stole your grow put in jail? Yea see my point? Unless your growing in a state were its medicly legal and you have everything on your side meaning compliance with local laws and your 100% legal you rly dont need anything else but a dog or 2 and a gun.
well in my situation im 100% legal in my state, I already have a dogs and fire arms, but my job takes me out of state on a regular basis and I would feel much safer being able to monitor a surveillance system via the internet from my laptop, and if my wife is home she would beable to monitor remote areas of my property from safely inside the home. And your damn right I would call the cops if someone was trespassing on my property. I'm no gangsta or thug, I grow my medicine and want to do it safely.

i'll be getting some motion sensitive flood lights aswell.


Active Member
I would highly recommend you DON'T get cameras. That is the most suspicious thing you could do other than set a plant out on the front porch for sunlight. Everytime someone sees one of those they will think, "Why exactly does this guy need cameras that badly?" It will cause you way too much unwanted attention.
that makes alot of sense, when i do install my camera i'll make sure to disguise them!


Well-Known Member
in my opinion, guns at a grow site is a bad idea.....

my house was raided about a year ago they pulled the plants and took every weapon that was in the house except for my 4.5 million v tazer. after i evaded police for almost a week i turned myself in to the state troopers. But not after long negotiations threw my lawyer and them....

all in all if you have weapons mixed with your grow MAKE SURE THEY ARE LEGAL!!!!!!!!! u still wont get them back, but at least it wont cost you in lawyer fees lol. Also i find that tazers are extremely effective for bringing people down hard(even 300lbs) especially the ones that you can actually point and shoot at your victim.