Dadio's Flood and Drain closet .


No , the roots seems to air prune themselves . I have never trimmed them and have never had any root rot at all.
what do you mean by air prune? is that like the root will dry out and the part outside of the block with die off? i germinated some bag seed and they all poped, i have them in rockwool plugs in a dome. they have only been in the plugs for about three days and roots are starting to come out of the bottoms of some. i was wondering

1. do i need to trim the roots at all? i'm guessin i don't judging from your post.

2. how big should i let them get before i put them in to the 6 inch blocks? i was thinking i would wait about a week but wondering if i should make the move now.

3.when would you start using nutrients when starting from seed?

sucks you broke a mainstem but like you said you have some new smoke for xmas, you should wait til xmas day kinda like a present to yourself. and as always thanks in advance, my grow room has come a long way thanks in most part to this thread.


Well-Known Member
No , you should never have to trim your roots. They will trim themselves. If you have roots coming out of the bottom of your small rockwool cubes, you can go ahead and plant them into the 6" cubes. Go ahead and start feeding them nutes at half strenghth . When you start to notice roots in the big blocks , you can up the nutes a bit. If you have any other questions or concerns , hit me up. Glad to be of some help.


Active Member
Dadio161, I read earlier in your thread that you were at 22% humidity? My future area stays around 30%,but everything i have read so far says ideal is 50%! You seem to be doing well with your low humidity, i guess my question is... How important is Humidity? BTW nice setup ooh yea, not trying to (hi-jack) your thread, i was just wondering what you thought about it.


Well-Known Member
Dadio161, I read earlier in your thread that you were at 22% humidity? My future area stays around 30%,but everything i have read so far says ideal is 50%! You seem to be doing well with your low humidity, i guess my question is... How important is Humidity? BTW nice setup ooh yea, not trying to (hi-jack) your thread, i was just wondering what you thought about it.
To be honest with you , I am not sure myself of the effects of humidity and growing. I just know that with lower humidity and two fans blowing, I don't have any problems with mold of any type. Avoiding mold is very important. I just try to keep it simple and avoid basic problems. I try to stay consistant without too many changes. If you make a lot of adjustments , you wont know where you went wrong.


No , you should never have to trim your roots. They will trim themselves. If you have roots coming out of the bottom of your small rockwool cubes, you can go ahead and plant them into the 6" cubes. Go ahead and start feeding them nutes at half strenghth . When you start to notice roots in the big blocks , you can up the nutes a bit. If you have any other questions or concerns , hit me up. Glad to be of some help.
thanks man, all six have come up now and the biggest is about 1 and 1/2 inches now. this has been a bit more challenging than i thought it would be, but thats what makes it fun right.


Well-Known Member
My PEZ girl has been hanging for 96 hours and the buds are crispy. I have a fan blowing on them 24/7 and the stems are starting to have a snap to them . So.. I cut off all the buds and put into a 2 qt. jar. Right now the pre-cure weight is 62 grams. So a guess of just over 2 ozs was accurate. This was the smallest of the six plants so I am hopefull on the overall total weight when I am done. I'm smoking some of the crumbs from the top of the counter when processing and it is a nice high. These are just the dried crumbs. Can't wait to try a bud after curing for a week. Christmas morning will be the day. Just in time . Down to the last 1 1/2 ozs from the last crop.


Well-Known Member
I put the buds into a jar yesterday around 2 pm and this morning when I went to open it to burp , this wonderfull, sweet aroma was coming out of the jar already. I will try to burp the jar twice a day for an hour each time. I keep the jar in a dark cabinet .


Well-Known Member

Here are some pics of today. Today is # 45 of 12/12 . Christmas Eve will be 7 weeks in.Lots of big, sticky colas at the top and some very nice nugs all over. Down at the bottom is a lot of popcorn buds, but that is better than over nuting them and having a lot of dead leaves at the bottom. So far I am very happy with the way things are going. Am now officially addicted to growing. I can't stop. I am learning sooo much. This is way more fun than working on my golf game. I smoke out there too.


Well-Known Member

Here are a few pics of this morning. It has only been two days since I last posted pics. When I went to check on my girls this morning, the girls were all falling over to the side because of all the weight they are packing on. I had to get some string and thumbtacks and tie them up so as not to break any. The colas on the Blueberry are getting as big as my arm. I could think of worst problems to have. I checked on the trics this morning and they are all cloudy except for the ones that are turning amber already. Harvesting on Christmas afternoon is starting to look like a reality.


nice, got another question that seems fitting at the time. have you ever thought of trying a sog? i'm debating trying it out, kind of on the fence right now, whats your opinion?


Well-Known Member
No , I have never tried to do a SOG grow. It's not that I have anything against it, it's just that I am a neewbe to this hobby. I am limited to 6 plants in a house where I live so I try to work with that.

nice, got another question that seems fitting at the time. have you ever thought of trying a sog? i'm debating trying it out, kind of on the fence right now, whats your opinion?


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like you got your 6 plant limit all figured out and running like a well oiled machine dadio.

Excellent work my friend.



Well-Known Member
Thank you. I'm trying to stay with one system and making it work. I can't wait to get the next grow started already.
Looks to me like you got your 6 plant limit all figured out and running like a well oiled machine dadio.

Excellent work my friend.



Well-Known Member
No, I don't do the CO2 thing. My grow op is small so don't think the cost and hasstle would be of much benifit for MY grow. I have two fans blowing constantly on the girls and that should be plenty for a closet grow. This grow is the product of a clean room, easy on the feeding, and good air movement from start to finish.

I forgot, do you use any C02 in this setup?


Well-Known Member
wow devolped fast

Yes, it did develope very fast. This is why I tried to stay with strains that could be ready in 7 to 8 weeks. Buds are swelling fast. Trics are all cloudy except for the Amber ones. Today is the end of week 7. I will harvest some time this week. Oh Happy Christmas to me.