My DIY Bubble Cloner


After seeing some threads for making your own bubble cloner, I finally decided to make my own. I used an old aquarium i had lying around and a tube light. Then I bought the air stones, air pump and heater at walmart. Then I cut out a piece of Plexiglas for the top and a board to hold the cuttings in place. I thought it turned out nicely. Tell me what you think of it and any improvements that could be made. Thanks :)

I'll try to get some better pics of it soon....



It's about a little over a week, nine days I think, and so far no roots but I'm not that surprised, however the cuttings have grown quite a bit and the new growth is starting to turn brownish. The leaves are getting little brown spots on them and I really don't know whats going on. their growing but not rooting, I'm kinda lost. Any help?


Well-Known Member
i think removiing the heater will help. the warmer water has less oxygen in the water. the point of bubblers is to saturate the water with 02. good luck


Active Member
i think removiing the heater will help. the warmer water has less oxygen in the water. the point of bubblers is to saturate the water with 02. good luck
On my bubble cloner i had no heater and clones were slow to root. Put a heating pad under and i had roots in 7 days. Im not trying to discredit what your saying, you may be right. Just trying to offer another point of view....


Well-Known Member
Very nice. I just made one I used a square rubbermaid bucket, and put a small pump in the water with the airstone. The pump circulated the water nice and kept in at 79.
I know 80 seems warm but as soon as I see roots I shut down the pump and add another air stone. 12 of 14, and 14 of 15 rooted. Both times I let them stay in the cloner for 7 days after roots ( 14 days total ). Both times I had roots on day 6 - 7.
I had given up on clones untill I made this thing...all but the bucket was old fishtank stuff too. All those clones lived and are rockin right now. Good luck