have you done heroin


Oracle of Hallucinogens
It's like morphine, only two times stronger ;-) It has significantly more pronounced euphoria, it was so intense it caught me off guard for a little while.


Active Member
that's how my dad got aids and died don't shoot it if ya try it be safe don't do drugs just weed!

I'm sorry to hear that man.

They dont call it Junk for nothing.....allthough addicts say its the best the high, I think some highs, no matter how good it is, just arnt worth it.

With that said, I've snorted it a few times, its just a really strong opiate high, i face planted in my pillow for about 2 hours and didnt move, I guess i was " nodding" idk, it sucked if you ask me.


New Member
I would never do the hardcore shit. Thats why i asked i was just wondering. Im sticking to weed anmd shrooms. So its the best trip drug? How long it last


Active Member
I would never do the hardcore shit. Thats why i asked i was just wondering. Im sticking to weed anmd shrooms. So its the best trip drug? How long it last
Are you asking if you trip off of heroin? no.
Are you asking how long it lasts? a few hours if your lucky.


Well-Known Member
heroin is very bitter in taste, and usually has a smell of vinegar. I really loved the high from dope, but its really not worth it. Everyone thinks they can chip away, but reality will hit sooner or later, stay away from heroin, fentanyl too, shit will get you addicted and you will lose track of your 'real' goals.


Well-Known Member
Idk anything about heroin sorry :/ if you dont trip whats it do to you then?
with heroin, you sit back and nod out. or on smaller does you feel very warm and euphoric and somewhat sleepy. you also get wicked itchy at first, but goes away as you build up an opiate tolerance.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Idk anything about heroin sorry :/ if you dont trip whats it do to you then?
It is an opiate, and therefore an analgesic. It produces rather strong euphoria and a floaty-numblike feeling; if you have ever had vicodin, morphine, or percocet it produces similar feelings, just more intense.

Heroin is addictive, but not as much as some of you guys make it out to be. There are more dangerous/more addictive substances out there. Just make sure if you use it to respect it and only get enough to try it.


Well-Known Member
I smoked it twice,first time i chucked my guts up,second time i really enjoyed it.That was a about 10 years ago,never touched it since.


Well-Known Member
It is an opiate, and therefore an analgesic. It produces rather strong euphoria and a floaty-numblike feeling; if you have ever had vicodin, morphine, or percocet it produces similar feelings, just more intense.

Heroin is addictive, but not as much as some of you guys make it out to be. There are more dangerous/more addictive substances out there. Just make sure if you use it to respect it and only get enough to try it.
Correct,Tobacco is way more addictive than heroin.Sounds crazy but very true.


Undercover Mod
One more thing not included on the chart is OC. If it was the chart would have to be bigger. Synthetic opiates are more addictive than herion. And this is the truth I have seen it first hand.


Well-Known Member
tried it a few times not very good at the chasing malarky always end up burning it or just generally fucking it up, imo its weak minded people that get hooked i no how addictive it is and that if i take it regualary i will become addicted so the few times i have done it was just a 1 night thing and that was over 5yrs ago havent touched it since and if i did it would be a 1 off.