People who say things like this fall into two groups. One has issues with their fathers, the other just wasn't potty-trained right.
That is indeed what Sigmund Freud and other psychoanalysts and Jungians would say about that radical stance that I and others have choosen to take. And they would be right about me atleast, I did have issues with my father, very deep seated issues with him. And I'm sure thats how my first issues with the State came about, as a distrust for my father, BUT....... that is also just an excuse and something clever and distracting for proponents of the American Way Of Life to discredit and believe that all the problems of capitalism are "just inside the head of someone that hates their father". Maybe you should take a close look at exactly the American Dream that you are protecting.
I've noticed things about people that use that argument about hating fathers and potty-training, as a way to discredit people that share those radical veiws that I have. They will never actually look into ANYTHING that you explain to them. ANd they will never actually THINK about any of it either. The reason being because most of these people are also dogmatists and hold some kind of claim in their American Lifestyle. So instead you allow yourself to believe that energy saving light bulbs and putting air in your tires i actually going to save humanity. And protect your masters and slave owners and will fight to your death over abstract concepts like "property" (when who decides who owns the land? nobody asked the earth if it could be owned) for your masters and owners. And if you die in the process it doesn't matter, because to them, your life didn't matter anyways. You are poor and they are rich, and the poor are here to do the riches bidding. As American financier Jay Gould said when he hired strikebreakers in his factory "This is great! I can hire one-half of the working class to kill the other half of the working class." You need to keep your owners pockets lined to the brim, and ALWAYS shun people below you on the economic scale. Claim that they are "lazy" and "no good welfare scum". And this is funny too, because all of these people will BASH and complain about how 15% of their tax dollar is going to supporting people on welfare, but never say one word, or even notice, that 75% of their tax dollar is going to the Military Prison Industrial Complex, to fight wars with brown people over ancient plant fossils that are needed by the earth to rotate, and implement great drug programs that will lock ALL of us up on this forum for smoking weed! These people will protect the very people that are making them bleed and causing them all the grief, but instead they will blame on people on welfare and homeless people. It is VERY mammalian in nature, as the top dog will ALWAYS look down upon the bottom dog, but never look up and realize that the dog ABOVE them is the one dishing out laws and destroying everything around them and pushing their weight around. This is known as the typical "company man", the man that is always agreeant with his boss, and will follow his doctrine to the letter, no matter how unjust or ridiculous the stance may be that he is literally FORCING on his subordients. It is also the same attitude that most cops have. Never think for yourself, always just follow orders.
Humanity WILL be extinct if we don't completely and radically change our cultures and attitudes about the world. You see all these young people and giant corporations saying "SAVE THE PLANET! SAVE THE TREES! SAVE THE PLANET!" when this is just ANOTHER disstraction and illusion. To claim "save the planet" is to claim that the planet is going to DIE if HUMANS don't do something to stop the DEATH OF THE PLANET... But in reality this isn't the case. It is very wishful thinking, but not reality. By making that statement "save the planet" it is implying that humans are going to live LONGER than the planet earth. I'm sorry to the berer of bad news, but the Earth will be just fine and completely sustain and live without human life on it... Humans on the other hand CANNOT live without the earth. And all throughout industrialization is just ways to CONTROL and DOMINATE the earth. To hold DOMINION over it, to OWN it, to EXPLOIT it, and DESTROY it at will. Humans no longer see themselves as "one" or "apart" of this planet and all the life and creatures on it. Instead humans have taken the stance of OVERLORD of the earth, and have disconnected ourselves from the planet and we see ourselves as "a part" of the planet and separate from all other life and creatures and above it looking down upon it. Gandhi once said "you can tell a lot about a culture by looking at how it treats its animals and nature".... By putting yourself in that reality-tunnel and looking at our current culture, how would you say that we are? But that is a-whole-nother tangent.
On your point though, yes I was a psychology major in college (actually from the psychoanalytic background as well and take much of my inspiration in the psychology feild from a freudian standpoint) , so I am very well aware about the psychology of radical thinking. You should also do your own research though and take a look at a book by another psychoanalyst named Wilhelm Reich. The book is called "The Mass Psychology Of Fascism". It was written during the nazi occupation of germany, but much of it would you swear was written about the current American Culture. But just because I have father issues, doesn't deny the facts that capitalism and consumer culture are destructive things to all beings on this planet, with the planet included. Do some of your own independent research before jumping to conclusions.