Rasclots coco n clone grow round 3 ding ding!!!

mr west

Well-Known Member
try uppin it a bit see if that helps, or u could try some bat guano tea. I mix 42 grams of bat shit per litre of warm water lol.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";2971072]how they doin mon[/QUOTE]
hey sicc welcome back mate im havin problems at the mo with these clones n coco dont know wot im doin lol my babies are goin really yellow in the centre of the leaves n on the ends they are burnt on sum of them il post sum pics in a min need help b4 they die apart from that everythin is good :mrgreen:ras:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thats bad news about the young 'uns, they'll pull through. Have you thought about repotting them in soil and see if that works. I know its a backwards step but its something to think about. Good luck man


Well-Known Member
I dunno what to suggest man, Maybe give 'em some grow nutes, if you don't think its overwatering try watering 'em. Like i said i dunno what to suggest, good luck


Well-Known Member
thats strange man, 3rd pic especialy, is ur coco canna pro+?
yeah mate its coco canna pro+ wot i think the problem is at the moment unless my hygrometer is broken its sayin --% humidity wot do ya reckon could it be that?:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Humidity could be too low coz mine says --% when its below 30, i put mine in the bathroom and had a hot shower to see if it still worked an it did, give it a go it might work


Well-Known Member
Hey Ras.
They don't seem to be taking to the coco to well.
I don't know what the root growth of the clones were like before you put them in there but...

Coco needs to be kept moist 'always' for the clones roots to take.
When you water make sure you get some run off so you know all the coco is soaked.
It won't hurt to leave that runoff in the tray to increase RH.

Give 'em some nutes as well with every watering because they look deficient.
A lack of iron/sulphur will make them yellow from the centre.
Make sure your nutes have got plenty of K for root growth as well.
I'd say aim for a PPM of around 450 - 500 or a 30% strength dose.

Lift your light if possible because they are getting too hot.
Also increase humidity by misting on the dark cycle when you can or covering with a dome and mist the dome.
You can use plastic drink containers over each pot.

They'll come good mate once you address these things ;)