watering plants with coffee?


the other day i made some coffee from left over coffee grinds and watered my plants with it, hoping for the caffeine to help growth. but only after did i realize that coffee is really acidic and i might've done some real damage. i did dilute the coffee with a little bit of water and made sure it was cold 9put it in the freezor for 20 mins.) before watering with it. has there been any damage done?


I'd flush the plants right away to get rid of the coffee or you could put a croissant next to them and pray. Was it Costan Rican coffee? That might make a difference....yeah, right. Try bone meal instead and eggshells wouldn't hurt (not sure but they help roses).


New Member
i watered my plants with straight lipton tea and ALL the leaves fell off, it trimmed itself yo. i let the cola on a stick live for another week, the bud was the only thing keeping them alive, got hella bigger tho. i was high shut up.