First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants


Well-Known Member
i forgot you existed lol what up paper. yeah hay, i think the skywalker hermied all over itself, and must have gotten some pollen on the NL.. whatever i spent yesterday plucking them all off haha now i really dont need any more seeds! one more week and ill think ill be chopping the NL and Cali..


Well-Known Member
thanks man. yeah hes the one that told me to start one of these things lol. so i did.. and now its huge. anyways, try and get an update goin here soon. chopped the NL and Cali down yesterday and are now hanging out to dry. skywalker will be chopped this weekend and the purple wrecks the following week.


Well-Known Member
Nice dood. I chopped my first white widow a week ago... but that plant grew weird and just plan tastes weird. Gets you plenty high though. About to finish it up by grinding it up to make butter or oil or maybe some hash.

I harvested the another white widow on thursday. That one did great and the harvest was outstanding. Taste is way better the the first plant. Looks like its supposed... etc... just put it in jars to cure last night. The next white widow looks like it will be ready around saturday or sunday. The last plant will be my thai haze x skunk - that one wont be until around january 4th to the 10th. Somewhere in there. Maybe even longer! lol Damn sativas!


Well-Known Member
thanks man. yeah hes the one that told me to start one of these things lol. so i did.. and now its huge. anyways, try and get an update goin here soon. chopped the NL and Cali down yesterday and are now hanging out to dry. skywalker will be chopped this weekend and the purple wrecks the following week.
Nice dood. I chopped my first white widow a week ago... but that plant grew weird and just plan tastes weird. Gets you plenty high though. About to finish it up by grinding it up to make butter or oil or maybe some hash.

I harvested the another white widow on thursday. That one did great and the harvest was outstanding. Taste is way better the the first plant. Looks like its supposed... etc... just put it in jars to cure last night. The next white widow looks like it will be ready around saturday or sunday. The last plant will be my thai haze x skunk - that one wont be until around january 4th to the 10th. Somewhere in there. Maybe even longer! lol Damn sativas!
Damn sure smells nice around here, real festive! Happy solstice, historically a time to indulge in excess! You both will be ringing in the new year in some serious style!!!:weed:

DK, PICS!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
alright here goes, like i said NL and Cali were chopped yesterday after a full 9 weeks of flower. skywalker are 8 weeks now, purple wreck and haze are around 7 weeks. not much else to say at this point i suppose haha guess the pics will speak for themselves... 1 is six flowering now, 2 and 3 are skywalker, 4-6 are purple wreck, 7 is the haze and 8 is the NL (left) and Cali (right) cut and hung up to dry :weed:



Well-Known Member
Damn DK super nice job! Your garden looks great! The Skywalker and the Purple wrecks look like fire! If you have seeds left of these, next time take cuttings! They would be easy to ship un-rooted, then re-cut and rooted....(using a cut 1 liter or 20oz bottle and moist towels).:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Damn, thats fuckin nice, i did the northern lights from nirvana once before and i had a bud that looked just like that one, just not as crystal covered, Dont worry they were still some dank nugz though


Well-Known Member
well the northern lights i did was fucked up and got seeded somehow so it didnt really bud very much. its hanging up already, probably 1/2 oz dry at most. sucks because it was the NL from sensi which was the most expensive of all my seeds! oh well i still have 8 more of them to see what happens, these others will make up for it too i suppose. turning out much better than i expected, the purple wrecks are just starting to change color now so hopefully they will look even better in another 2 weeks!


Well-Known Member
NICCCE HOMIE...the pic with the ones hanging..i know thats not all the bud from 1 it?

well i finaly got around to hanging light mover and stuff in my upgrade,but i was wondering..does anybody have a way to cool 1000 watt 6' air coolable reflector w/o me cutting two holes in wood and sticking wood in window w/ air ducts going out? a lil nervous about that..i dont wanna the natives to get restless and start wondering "hmmm,i wonder whats the purpose for thos air ducts coming out his basement window"



Well-Known Member
NICCCE HOMIE...the pic with the ones hanging..i know thats not all the bud from 1 it?

well i finaly got around to hanging light mover and stuff in my upgrade,but i was wondering..does anybody have a way to cool 1000 watt 6' air coolable reflector w/o me cutting two holes in wood and sticking wood in window w/ air ducts going out? a lil nervous about that..i dont wanna the natives to get restless and start wondering "hmmm,i wonder whats the purpose for thos air ducts coming out his basement window"
Ther is a vid on youtube on grow room set ups. The guy builds a wood box to fit around the inside of the window. One side of box is open (towards window). The box is lined with foam egg crate sound proofing. A bamboo window shade is hung over window like it's normal, and the window is bracketed open about an inch. The flanges for the air duct are mounted to the room side of the box, and the box is hung over window opening with L brackets. Viola! This takes care of light, noise and appearance. Being in a basement, the hanging of the box may be more diff. if no wood around window, but not impossible.

This may sound quite involved, but I think it would be worth it. I have too much foot and vehicle traffic near my window or this would be ideal. I vent flower box into attic and veg box out roof top through bath exhaust.

The other day was a very cold morning (socal style) and all the roofs in the neigborhood were covered in frost...mine was conspicuosly completely clear:-|.

Sounds like a blast! Have fun.


Well-Known Member
the pic with the ones hanging are the NL and Cali Indica that i just chopped.. just got done cuttin and weighing them, just over 14 grams on the NL and close to 24 for the cali... that fat nug in the middle was the main cola on the cali it was 9.6 grams haha :weed:


Well-Known Member
Sure is quiet here on RIU lately! DK you are either REALLY stoned or chopping that beautiful skywalker! I met a guy who has been growing in the bay area for clubs for 15 years. I gave him 5 of my Red Diesel clones I did not need and he kicked down 5g of his romulan. The grow gods have smiled on me! what a great resource, and he has invited me to see his grow! He says he likes 400w for supplemental lighting and has room to veg for me (seed share for clones) so I am prepared to see a nice room(s)!!!!!
He has always used clones and has wanted a strain he cant find as cutting. He was sketched by the cannuks wanting cash/MO I steared hin to Attitude for the "Morning Glory" I am going to suggest he looks into the Skywalker! I want a cutting!!!
Hope all is well in the NorCal.


Well-Known Member
all is well just been busy. chopped one of the skywalker yesterday. the others not quite done yet. going to give it and the purple wreck another week. oh and the haze too. so i could be choppin 5 next week depending on how things go. ill get some pics up later. whats with the new layout? looks kinda lame..


Well-Known Member
all is well just been busy. chopped one of the skywalker yesterday. the others not quite done yet. going to give it and the purple wreck another week. oh and the haze too. so i could be choppin 5 next week depending on how things go. ill get some pics up later. whats with the new layout? looks kinda lame..
Sounds like you will be good busy!
I am not big on change, so I prefer the old layout also. Have not figured out how to add rep yet.