God Told Me To Murder Someone


Well-Known Member
When I was younger I used to pray to God for a bike.
Then I realized that God doesn't work that way.
So, I stole a bike and prayed for forgiveness.


Well-Known Member
God does not work that way bro sorry, it was your own damn head that told you that . . . So who are you going to kill?


Well-Known Member
I'm with ya K1977. However I think the enirety: excluding nothing, is the big G. We the G., the grass the G., the Grass the G. the smell the G, the thought the G. Through in and throughout everything the G., is. Sprinkles, smiles, the intensity preceding true shock, the spraffings of our neighbours . So matthew; are we meant to prove God doesn't exist through this internet thing? Does God have anybody in mind for being slayed by your{Godsish?} hand? There are so many types of murder these days.Goodness, so many permutations/combos to choose from. Well, i'm off for a pee. Cheeriebye.s


Well-Known Member
Sorry folks on the thread. Didn't see where it had gone while i was away composing/ doing other stuff. Excuse the lack of context please.