Noob needs advise on sick seedlings....


Well-Known Member
LOL....yeah, can someone send me a list of who to listen to? :confused:
Nope, anyone can be wrong, you need to know why they think what they think then you can judge for yourself. That is why I told you my reasoning.

"I say N deficiency because the yellow color and more yellows and browns on older growth. With N burn I would expect the burn to be on newer growth tips and no yellowing."

Don't trust a recommendation you can't verify. Get their reasoning so you can verify it.
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Yes, I'm learning that fast. I build Guitars and used to spend a lot of time in those forums. It was the same thing there. what finish is better for what wood, which pick-ups have the best tone, etc...

I do appreciate hearing the logic behind a statement. That's why I leaned toward your recommendation.

Now my biggest urgency is to get these guys out of this soil as soon as I can. I have the younger seedlings in those coco cups with that crappy soil - should I bury the whole things or try and shake off whatever soil i can and try to go bare root in the new soil (PRO-MIX)


Well-Known Member
Yes, I'm learning that fast. I build Guitars and used to spend a lot of time in those forums. It was the same thing there. what finish is better for what wood, which pick-ups have the best tone, etc...

I do appreciate hearing the logic behind a statement. That's why I leaned toward your recommendation.

Now my biggest urgency is to get these guys out of this soil as soon as I can. I have the younger seedlings in those coco cups with that crappy soil - should I bury the whole things or try and shake off whatever soil i can and try to go bare root in the new soil (PRO-MIX)
Depends on how far the roots have gotten. You have to make the judgement call when you pull them out of the current pots. If you can remove most of the dirt, especially wood chips, then do so, but don't get rough on the roots just to get rid of a little extra dirt. Do your replanting just before the dark period so they have some chance to rest in the new soil before getting blasted.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I'm learning that fast. I build Guitars and used to spend a lot of time in those forums. It was the same thing there. what finish is better for what wood, which pick-ups have the best tone, etc...

I do appreciate hearing the logic behind a statement. That's why I leaned toward your recommendation.

Now my biggest urgency is to get these guys out of this soil as soon as I can. I have the younger seedlings in those coco cups with that crappy soil - should I bury the whole things or try and shake off whatever soil i can and try to go bare root in the new soil (PRO-MIX)
If there doing ok in the shit soil leave em be ...don't fix it if it's not broken


Well-Known Member
I get it but I don't have a few day old plants here. They're about 4 weeks old. I'm not arguing I'm just concerned that if they're on the mend since the last little bit of nutes, it might help with the "come back" to give a little more N. I was under the impression that the fish ferts won't burn anyhow so I just thought a mild mix spritz would give them that without disturbing the roots. I don't mean to question you guys but there are so many different opinions and they can't all be right. I'm not willing to waste 4 weeks I've spent on these guys without a bit of a fight so that's why I'm trying to double and triple check things. This is a good case of that. I've seen multiple published pieces on growing weed that say its fine and even good for seedlings but then here it's not. Just confusing sometimes.
If your plants still have cotyledon leaves they do not require feeding. After they shrivel up and die off you can begin giving nutrients. I challenge anybody to dispute that. You may have a lockout issue, my point is that you absolutely shouldn't at this stage and if you do its because you fed them to soon and/or too much. If your plant is that small above ground you can bet the root system is also quite diminutive and cannot handle the amount of water required to "flush" them without causing other problems.
You may have 4 weeks "invested" in this grow but as you said, it's only bagseed while you learn. Regardless of whether your plants are 2 weeks old, 4 weeks old or 8 weeks old they have been stunted. When you have a plant that small ppm's, ph and nutrients shouldn't even be part of the conversation. You may or may not get them through this but whats most important is that you learn how this happened in the first place so you can avoid this problem in the future :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Second post was you saying it was nute burn, you were wrong, why point that out?

You almost killed his plants with bad advice, now try to take credit, silly.
Really cause it looks like it says flush and start 1/4 nutes. could have been wrong about burn hard to tell from computer screen but burn, lockout. both get fixed the same way my friend. And taking credit is not what its about so you might want to let some of the air out of your head before it blower up.


Well-Known Member
Are you people really arguing over who gets credit? LMAO!! When these plants are harvested, then and only then can ANYBODY take credit :bigjoint:

Breaks over for me...back to trimming :weed: