AllDayToker's Adventure of Greener Living - HPS Perpetual Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Alright so I need hydrate lime now and the other stuff at Menards for my mix. And no more flushing.

My soil has never gave me a problem before, which is why I've been so stumped trying to find a solution. I don't do a new mix every time, I just reuse my soil and add a little bit here and there. Normally my microbe teas keep the plants healthy, always have. I have other plants vegging in the same mix different strain with no problems. The soil was originally FFOF and I've reused and added things over such a long period of time that I wouldn't really consider it FFOF anymore.

For supplies I have on hand I have some alfalfa and kelp meal, epsom salt, seabird guano, two kinds of bat guano, worm castings, and I think that's it. Anything you would suggest getting I can try to find tomorrow in stores somewhere or order it tonight.
My soil is a jazzed up version of FFOF too. I reuse and re amend it but I always add lime (dolomite)

I got in a jam once and used 1 tablespoon hydrated lime to a gallon of water...


Well-Known Member
smart pots are stupid............. topdress w about a cup of that kelp meal then put a half inch of castings on top of the whole pot..... start a tea w a cup of castings teaspoon of the psg and about three quarts of water... teaspoon of molasses ..........

pea gravel..... everybody needs pea gravel..... you should be using a mix of castings and compost rather than just castings in flower......


Well-Known Member
I wish I could help ya...Last time I flushed a plant in organic soil I ruined it...I don't flush anymore.. I try to stay on top of it before it starts..I say that but I'm having problems with my Pineapple Chunk grow..:oops: Anyways maybe @MD914 might be able to help you...She's kicking but in organic soil...Hope you get it figured out.....:peace:

whats wrong w yours?


Well-Known Member
In mycology we use hydrated lime, the melt-your-ass strong stuff.
to modulate the pH of casing soils, and we avoid the dolomite lime
because the Mg is bad for mushrooms. you want the Mg.

I had not heard of using hydrated lime in gardening before.
....but diluted it will still be a strong "sweetener".

Good luck ADT,



Well-Known Member
In mycology we use hydrated lime, the melt-your-ass strong stuff.
to modulate the pH of casing soils, and we avoid the dolomite lime
because the Mg is bad for mushrooms. you want the Mg.

I had not heard of using hydrated lime in gardening before.
....but diluted it will still be a strong "sweetener".

Good luck ADT,


what do you see w these plants?


Well-Known Member
Officially decided I'm just going to buy a pre-made COB LED fixture. I wanted to make one but it'll take weeks before it's done and I needed the new lighting in yesterday lol.

Going to order this puppy later today.
whats wrong w yours?
I didn't water her properly...let her get to dry..and then I probably over watered her...running a scrog for the first time


Well-Known Member
smart pots are stupid............. topdress w about a cup of that kelp meal then put a half inch of castings on top of the whole pot..... start a tea w a cup of castings teaspoon of the psg and about three quarts of water... teaspoon of molasses ..........

pea gravel..... everybody needs pea gravel..... you should be using a mix of castings and compost rather than just castings in flower......
Alright, I got that all down I'll start the tea today.

I just use castings in my tea for my microbe tea. Just castings water and molasses. I don't have compost available or I would most defiantly be adding it.


Well-Known Member
Alright, I got that all down I'll start the tea today.

I just use castings in my tea for my microbe tea. Just castings water and molasses. I don't have compost available or I would most defiantly be adding it.
if that guano is Jamaican you should throw some in your tea..... or the psg..... maybe a teaspoon either way.... meant to tell you earlier....


Well-Known Member
if that guano is Jamaican you should throw some in your tea..... or the psg..... maybe a teaspoon either way.... meant to tell you earlier....
Oh I saw the psg in the tea recipe earlier, no worries. :)

I do have Jamaican though, think psg or the Jamaican would be better?