Stoned Kitty? Cats eating plants...


Well-Known Member
Okay, so my flowering room is in my bedroom, in a 6' x 7' x 7' cubby sectioned off with panda...I normally keep the door to my bedroom closed, to keep the cats out and keep cat hair from geting the door to my bedroom doesn't always latch so well, and sometimes you need to pull up on the handle to get it to latch...

Long story short, I fell asleep on the couch at 3 AM, and woke up at 8AM, stumbled into my bedroom, and there's my cat just laying in the middle of my bed, looking at me with a sorta groggy eyed "Who, me?" stare...

I haven't really checked on my plants since the flower cab's lights went off at 6AM, just sorta peeked in to make sure they were all upright...And I have an 8 inch port I leave open while lights are on that my cat mighta gone through...

Anyone think I might have a bunch of nibbled leaves and cat hair everywhere?? Lights come on in an hour, guess we'll find out then!! :lol:

Here is the offender...Picture taken a few months ago.



Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Haha, that's great. Anytime my girl cat gets the chance she'll peak in and start nibbling on my lower fan leaves.. As soon as I nudge her away, she starts eating the dead leaves that i've picked off during that session.

I've been trying to find a way to easily dispose of those dead leaves.. She seems to do the trick. Hopefully she won't get sick.. but she keeps going back.

Anyways, on topic,
cute pic dude :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Also, any stories to share about cats, or any pets for that matter, getting into your grow are welcome!


Well-Known Member
Haha, that's great. Anytime my girl cat gets the chance she'll peak in and start nibbling on my lower fan leaves.. As soon as I nudge her away, she starts eating the dead leaves that i've picked off during that session.

I've been trying to find a way to easily dispose of those dead leaves.. She seems to do the trick. Hopefully she won't get sick.. but she keeps going back.

Anyways, on topic,
cute pic dude :eyesmoke:
I don't think she'll get sick...well..I dunno, he pukes when he used to eat this one plant I had to put as long as he's not puking up weed leaves I'm good!

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Haha right. I guess if they go back for seconds they probably know what's up. My kitten on the other hand eats the twine i use to tie my girls back. So who knows.

Weird thing is, I've got a cat nip plant right next to them..


Well-Known Member
Haha, they know better than to fuck with the catnip, they'll wait till you dry and cure that shit...connoisseur kitties!


Well-Known Member
I've always wondered if THC actually reacts in an animals brain like it does ours. I Do not believe it does in dogs....I've given edibles that def. do the trick on me....doesn't even phase my dog.

I keep any and all animals away from the tents....I've had a cat piss in my mother plant pot a few years back. Since then its no animals near the grow.


Well-Known Member
Of course. My sweetheart has four cats, one of which in particular loves to get high, then roll around with her tongue hanging out or she'll start eating random plants and blinking retardedly. The second you light a joint, she comes running for her share.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
My old lab once ate a whole batch of brownies made from an oz. Yeah, I was mad and I wanted to kick his little behind, but, I was more worried about the chocolate than the mj.

About 15 minutes after I came home he wandered into the kitchen ate half a bowl of food, walked over to the water bowl tanked up, wander back to the food bowl laid down, munched some and fell asleep with his head in the food bowl. He was fine the next day.

My cats like to nibble on mine too.

I've always wondered if THC actually reacts in an animals brain like it does ours. I Do not believe it does in dogs....I've given edibles that def. do the trick on me....doesn't even phase my dog.

I keep any and all animals away from the tents....I've had a cat piss in my mother plant pot a few years back. Since then its no animals near the grow.


Well-Known Member
My old lab once ate a whole batch of brownies made from an oz. Yeah, I was mad and I wanted to kick his little behind, but, I was more worried about the chocolate than the mj.

About 15 minutes after I came home he wandered into the kitchen ate half a bowl of food, walked over to the water bowl tanked up, wander back to the food bowl laid down, munched some and fell asleep with his head in the food bowl. He was fine the next day.

My cats like to nibble on mine too.
HAHA maybe so....but I'm too stingy to give my dog a full zip and see the effects. My youngest passes out all the time by the food bowl...and with toys in his mouth.

I chong the house out all the time...maybe he's just as high as I am.



Well-Known Member
Well, happy to report I don't think my kitty even entered my grow room, let alone nibble or get hair on anything...Man, I thought he was more mischevious than that!


Well-Known Member
I've always wondered if THC actually reacts in an animals brain like it does ours. I Do not believe it does in dogs....I've given edibles that def. do the trick on me....doesn't even phase my dog.

well dogs eat all kinds of crazy shit to include shit, so dogs GI tract is most likely way stronger than ours. just a best guess.

i got 2 cats and have to leave the door open 24/7 for vent. purposess. when im away i have a screen door to keep them out but when im home i alway gota watch em, they love the HID and love the fact they are not alloud in little bastards.



oh yeah Meta, guess what? <-the day is getting nearer lol


Active Member
Jesus, I can barely keep our cat out of my veg or flower rooms! It started with a few chomped leaves and then he's PAWING THE DOORS OPEN!! Stoned fucker. If you light a bowl, he comes up to sit on your chest until you give him a little hit! I give him some trimmings whenever i can=less hairballs...yuk.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was surprised, my cat really loves to chomp on leaves too, but I guess since he's new to the HID he might have been a little wary of walking through the 8" vent...


Well-Known Member
if you let your cats outside at all...remember they can bring in bugs and shit.

I'd freak if my cat started grazing on my plants.


Well-Known Member
I grow in 5 gal buckets and my cat jumps in and curls herself around the plant and happily falls asleep. Oh yeah, she nibbles the leaves too.


Well-Known Member
My cats love the grow room. Sunlight, wind, bushes, open spaces (mylar) they think the're outside. Two of my cats will eat fan leaves if I give them one, but none of them will eat bud.


Well-Known Member
if you let your cats outside at all...remember they can bring in bugs and shit.

I'd freak if my cat started grazing on my plants.
FIrst off, I keep the door to my room closed most of the time, as stated int he first post, just fell alseed without securing a faulty latch...And secondly, they have never been outside before(well, one went on a prowl twice, for about 2 hours each time since we've had them), they are exclusively indoor cats...I just keep the door to my room closed to keep cat hair off of everything, but they never go outside, ever, unless they has only happened the 2 times I think in like 5 years