white widow

  1. PeachyBuds

    Magnesium deficiency?

    Hey guys, just had this pop up yesterday. About half of the plants look like this and it's mostly upper leaves that are showing it. I'm guessing magnesium deficient, but I wanted some second oppinions. I just fed them with a little molasses with their water to help some (I know it's got a few...
  2. PeachyBuds

    Early Trichomes?

    Alright, so, my kids are all growing much better now that I've got everything fixed up. Just a quick question now: So, these are all regular feminized White Widow (not auto flower or anything), just over a month old (yes, I know they're small, and there are reasons, but that's not the point...
  3. PeachyBuds


    Yep, I'm back again... boy, I didn't expect to have this many issues right off that bat, but I guess I am new haha. So, I seem to have corrected all of my other issues now, and trimmed off the bottom dead leaves (shown in the pictures) this afternoon right before watering. But it now appears...
  4. PeachyBuds

    To trim, or not to trim?

    Hey y'all, So, I've heard different opinions from people on here and elsewhere, but I figured I'd personally ask about this. So, people don't kid about White Widow being nutrient-sensitive. I gave them their first feeding around a week ago. A few days later, they showed some yellowing on the...
  5. Dutch Blazer

    Seedsman White Widow in Coco Coir

    Hey guys, been a member here for a long time but never really posted any of my grows. Here is a Seedsman White Widow I'm about to harvest. shes in a 10 gal pot, 50/50 coco/perlite. under 600w hps & 600w mh. Getting Ironhead's formula which is: (all per gal) 6ml micro (gen hydro) 9ml...
  6. Doitzel_Kaiser

    CropKing Seeds: White Widow

    So I had bought some CropKing WW seeds which failed to germinate. So i contacted the company and they agreed to send me another pack! And they did! So I began immediately following the provided instructions! So now i need to wait 14 to 18 hours! Will keep you all updated!