
  1. SourDeezle1232

    Trying to make myself high dose edibles

    Hello everyone hope all is well, So a little background on me, about a 17 year daily smoker. Ever since I tried my first edible brownie old fashion at a party, I thought they were just bunk after no effects. Through the years I’ve made my own, had others… until I went to Colorado and had...
  2. trapdevil

    Tons of shake/ MiSC

    What’s up guys, First post but been lurking a while and been around the flower scene for a minute. But I have a rather newbie question. I’ve yet to really cook with cannabis, and I want to take the opportunity too. I handle a good amount of Pcks of weed and oil, cartridges and whatnot. I...
  3. xSwimToTheMoon

    Where does shake come from?

    I started growing around this time last year. Before then, I bought from the locals, and about every other purchase, the bag would have some shake at the bottom. I was with my friend on Christmas and he pulled out a bag he had just bought, it was about 1/2 shake. I still have some left from my...