
  1. hanimmal

    Tulsi Gabbard Triggered By Clinton.

    So Russian Trolls have been pushing Tulsi Gabbard hard around the internet trying to make her a viable candidate for the Bernie fans of 2016 who are already sold against the Democrats from all of the propaganda that they pushed for Bernie in an effort to hurt Hillary Clinton's campaign as well...
  2. 420SOS

    Marijuana and Religion

    Cannabis certainly deserves a religion on its own. Some claim that according to the Bible it is ok to smoke some, other religions like Islam completely forbid it and religions like rastafarianism promote it. What do you think? I also wonder about atheism, I I know it's not a religion but it's a...
  3. tyler.durden


    Preach it, Pastor! I usually get this condition from eating late night Taco Hell with tons of hot sauce. Please feel free to share your flaming butthole stories. If you're not comfortable with that, you may tell a church story (preferably one that includes a butthole in some way)...