peace and love

  1. A

    Problems With Seedling, Lots of Yellow, Pls Help

    Let's get right down to business, got a seedling here, around week three. Watering once every other day(A few days ago I'd say otherwise, more like twice a day with a spray bottle, but then was told not to do that). Using Fox Farms Aqua mix. Top looks great, but bottom is just struggle city...
  2. athomegrowing

    Damn it feels good to be back.

    I last used this website about two years ago and I found it to be a great resource while I was growing. I made some friends had laughs and enjoyed my time here but decided after my last grow I would take a break. Yesterday New York legalized marijuana including a provision that allows us to grow...
  3. B

    Surgery & Weed Advice needed

    Hi brand new member here! Really need some advice. Today i had surgery in my pinky and ring finger. Have pins in them to help re-allign them after 2 fractures. Im not really in too much pain but the prescribed pain killers help a lot. Im always hesitant on using prescribed pain killers because i...
  4. G

    Peace and Love thread

    Yeah she may be gone now. But she went down AFTER destroying that dude. All you lil pinny butt lick followers get ON YOUR KNEES and worship at the courage of this young lady. LOSERS.