
  1. Palomar

    Rig Suggestions

    Looking for suggestions for a nail rig for concentrates / dabs. Hoping to find a reliable set up that won't break the bank. What's new and noteworthy? So many options - researching now. Could even be convinced in a portable unit if reliable. Thanks. respect, pal
  2. GroDank101

    Why does my dab leave this white ash and taste bad?

    I'm using a quartz banger, does this look normal or is my rosin just not very good? Thanks
  3. TheCannabisAnalyst

    Torch Safety (Video)

    Greetings! Torch safety is very important when you're medicating. Check out this video for some info & tips on using your torch. The Cannabis Analyst wants to ensure that patients and responsible adults have access to accurate, detailed information...