
  1. G

    Are these contiminated - please help :))

    Hello all of you, i've recently grown some mckennaii, they grew very, very fast, much faster then expected, so one weekend not being home, they really grew to much. Now about 5 days after the harvest im drying the mushies, but i have so much freakin trouble dealing with whats contamination and...
  2. kitten49

    is this a pin?

    Is this a pin? I broke the spawn bags up to speed up last bit of colonization and have been waiting for it to fully get fluffy white again but today I found this
  3. kitten49

    free shipping to the us?!?

    ok so i never tried shrooms before and have always wanted to i recently found a site that sold them but not to the us looked more and found a site called i found one other post about it and the guy was a s sceptical as i am but said he got his order and it was...
  4. cap master

    DIY easy spore printing

    How to take a print: if u are planning on working with spores u must know how to print. its a great thing to keep your supply up for free. sterile conditions are a must or u will get contaminated spores. the supplies u will need are quite simple -a pair of rubber gloves -a roll of aluminum foil...