
  1. F

    Coughing brown stuff from weed?

    Hey all! Long time lurker first time poster here. My name is Frank and im a medical marijuana patient in the state of California. So ive been smoking regularly for over 5 years now. Just the other day i was taking bong hits as usual and i had to cough. For some reason i had a napkin on me so i...
  2. N

    Lung discomfort and trouble breathing AFTER quitting smoking

    So, I had smoked quite heavily for about 3 month’s. Not as much at first (2 to 3 times a week for the first month, then almost every other day through the second, and daily by the third). Very suddenly I started to have some breathing issues which I originally chalked up the allergies- and I...
  3. mustbetribbin

    Use of Herbs that drive Cannabis further into your bloodstream (and a few that synergize).

    So I'm new to the forum, Hi All! So I have had some really good results mixing other herbs with Cannabis, and as gift to humanity I would like to allow others to know some of what I've discovered works for me, and has made my life easier to cope with, I had a hemmoragic stroke at age 21, long...