
  1. DazeHazy

    Heavyweight Fruit Punch - Dry Bud Photos

    The photos are from my 1st grow which was harvested at 8 weeks. I just completed my 2nd grow of hwfp a couple of weeks ago which was flowered for 11 weeks. The 1st yield from 2 plants, grown from seeds totalled ~150-160g. The 2nd yield totalled ~60g from 3 plants. Was disappointed with the...
  2. DazeHazy

    [Photos] Flowering Heavyweight Fruit Punch - Day 45

    Just showing off these babies a bit :mrgreen: to contribute to the relatively limited info out there on this strain and perhaps get some comments on the nitrogen deficiency.. It's my 1st grow and I didn't lollipop so I figured that it's probably normal due to the lack of light at the bottom +...