
  1. trueweedsmoker

    Monopoly go. Come play with us

  2. SpawnOfVader

    Step Right up and GUESS THE WEIGHT

    GOOD MORNING ROLLITUP! Getting close to harvest (today is the first day of week 9) and I wanted to play a little game. Based on the pictures below try to guess the weight of my harvest (wet &/or dry weight). When I harvest/dry I will post updated weights to see who is closest. SETUP: 2x...

    Is Yakuza Kiwami any good?

    Hi everyone, I have recently downloaded Yakuza Kiwami as the free game of the month on the Playstation and want to know if it worth sinking my teeth into? Also is it necessary to play the other yakuza games beforehand will I be a blind sheep the entire way or actual understand the...
  4. AKA Big Boss

    Anyone know about Kojima?

    After the spectacular shit show of Metal Gear Survive I'm wondering what's going to happen to the franchise and to Kojima. The last I heard Konami fired him then released that garbage but I haven't been able to find any recent Kojima news. Will the real Big Boss return to Konami and continue...
  5. HumboldtFTW

    Rocket League: best stoner game or bestest stoner game?

    Five minute games, quick action, very little griefing, and just amazing fun. Not to mention instant replays are just long enough to take a hit. Just incase you don't know what I mean, here's a short video:
  6. thewanderingjack


    SO I hear a lot about how expansive and interactive and etc etc Skyrim is, I've pleayed, yeah, it's neat... But for my money, Divinity: Original Sin is more interesting in a lot of ways... denser maybe, if you will... and the comedy... and some interesting other small things... like the stealth...
  7. AussieWeedSmoker

    Anyone wanna add me on PS4 and hit up cod bo3?

    Hey everyone wonderin if keen to add me on ps4 and play some cod bo3 or somthin? Pretty average player but got a good attitude and we both love weed right? aha username is HashashinsWeed add my friend too DrWeedis420.