1. 420BongRips

    Follow My YouTube Channel 4 Tips/Tricks

    My New YouTube Channel had to lay low. Tips, tricks and much more coming your way! I will be setting up my first thread for this season's grow doing both in and outdoors.
  2. T

    I need help with my new grow op

    Im some what new to growing and im working on figuring specs and costs on this new grow op i want to get going. i need enough room for about 50 plants. 25 flowering and 25 vegging. so 2 separated areas. i need any advice i can get. id like to figure numbers for how many lights ill need. how to...
  3. 420BongRips

    Surprise! Another Grow!

    I'm back again! A few videos have already been uploaded onto my YouTube page for anyone that is interested in following. A lot of things are changed around and am still changing things around tomorrow morning. A huge bonus to this grow is the 600+ Watts are being utilized from the very beginning...
  4. HOC1375

    Grow Log - 4+ year old bag seed grow 2x450w LED

    Hey Now! I'm new here and thought starting a journal would be a good place to start. I'm new to growing (have grown 1 plant before when I was younger) but have done a lot of research over the years. I smoke a ton and figured I'd give growing a try again. So I got myself a 4x4x6 grow tent...
  5. B

    What temperature can plants handle up to

    Hey guys I'm from one of the hottest parts of Australia it gets over 50 degrees celcius here some days in summer (122 Fahrenheit) I'm wondering if weed could handle those sorts of tempretures outdoors or would it stress the plants to much, and if 50 is too much what can I do to compensate like...
  6. 7Ps

    Did I trim to much >_<

    My buddy swore up and down that it was worth doing and to put the spotlight on my top buds , this is what I ended up with ... I'm 2 weeks and 3 days into flower , my big stretch slowed down about 2 days ago what's everyone's thoughts ? I feel like I just killed my plant lol ! ALSO as I was doing...
  7. 7Ps

    Help ! What type of bug do I have

    So I've found EXTREMELY small white crawling bugs in my soil , so small I can barley describe it besides its white . I've noticed a few flying gnats but I don't think there the same insect , can someone tell me any info on this
  8. G

    DrDabber Aurora Pen style dabber

    As an "old school connoisseur of medical cannabis I have always been hesitant to jump into the "Dab Game" or vaporizer pens. I didn't like the messiness of the actual extraction, the labor that went into preparing my meds, though i was always intrigue by the many proponents of it as well which...
  9. G

    Dr dabber Aurora Pen style Vape

    As an "old school connoisseur of medical cannabis I have always been hesitant to jump into the "Dab Game" or vaporizer pens. I didn't like the messiness of the actual extraction, the labor that went into preparing my meds, though i was always intrigue by the many proponents of it as well which...
  10. WidowShamus

    Finding fellow potsmokers

    Help everyone, WidowShamus here. Im from Niagara Falls, NY and lived here my whole life. I have 5 kids so I don't get out much. Problem is I have a heck of a time finding bud? How do you guys go about it. I can't just ask everyone i see as I kinda keep it on the down low. Any advice? I always...
  11. BongTokinAlcoholic420


  12. garyron

    Better late than never!!

    This is my first grow ever and of all times to do it lol. Regardless here is what I have going. * 5 Candyland clones transplanted on 8/22/16 * Recipe 420 Soil *Fox Farm Grow Big,Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom *Myko Pure Mycorrhizal Inoculate ( 2 tsp. per clone/pot) *5 Gallon Dirt Pots Bought the...
  13. evergreengardener

    How BIG is mine compared to yours?

    So I'm making a seed order biggest one I've made (140 dollars) for a total of 30 seeds including the freebies. So I was wondering what was the most money you spent at once? Or the amount of seeds you bought at one time? Trying to determine what big order would be considered. I've seen other...
  14. My420Life Magazine

    420 Writers Get Published!

    Calling all 420 friendly writers! We want you on our team! We are My420Life Magazine. We are a cannabis advocacy publication highlighting the best news, stories and individuals who live a healthy 420 lifestyle. PUBLISHING opportunites are guaranteed...
  15. B

    Can't determine sex of plants

    Hey guys complete noob here I'm on my first grow almost at week 4 of veg. I know this is probably a stupid question but I've heard you can start determining the sex of plants at 3-4 weeks but my plants are only growing new leaves between the nodes rather than showing any signs of sex. I know its...
  16. Bryant420

    Professor Paul's Major Medic (medical)

    Hi everyone just wanted to start a journal on a grow of some beans I was gifted... Major Medic is a cross between Royal Medic x Cherry Magoo bx. I was gifted #5 regs and #4 of the #5 germinated and popped up in 7 days ,not bad being I've seen a lot worse germ rates from top companies in the...
  17. Shadowfarmer

    Blackberry kush clone only info

    Some people say they have blackberry and its something else or claim the high isn't that good The bbk I tried was a very dark purple almost black with pink inside the buds with crazy frost I might grow a blackberry kush cross and wanted to know more about the clone only bbk like flower time ...
  18. anony42017

    Much research ahead...

    Hello everyone I just started my investment in mj! :clap: It's really interesting to me and understanding it is why I've joined. Knowledge is power and that's one of the reason I've began to start growing mj is to really just educate myself better. I'm really interested in the whole process and...
  19. D

    Building Clientele for weed at uni?

    Hey there fellow tokers, I was just wondering what the best way to build a client base for weed is at uni (I'm in the UK if that matters). What works best for you? Smoke outside and wait for people to approach you maybe? Just ask people if they want any? (if so what would be the best way of...
  20. StreetsofRage

    Accidental Hermie that pulled through! :O

    After having to axe 3 gorgeous girls 3 were left and fully inspected for any nana's and sacks, completely sprayed down with water on the lower 3rd where i had seen some had opened! Due to not having any other options i ended up carrying on only too see that 3 weeks later no seed sacks had shown...