Zimbabwe: American lion killer's extradition being sought


Well-Known Member
You are egregiously and hopelessly incorrect, and that matters.
Because you are not the only Kool-Aid guzzling Government sycophant out there.
Truly frightening!
So you have decided to double down on your claim that NASA and NOAA did not conclude unequivocally that 2014 was the hottest year on record.

I suppose you'll link a right wing media outlet's spin on the findings of those national agencies.


Well-Known Member
So you have decided to double down on your claim that NASA and NOAA did not conclude unequivocally that 2014 was the hottest year on record.

I suppose you'll link a right wing media outlet's spin on the findings of those national agencies.
No, I will let you stew in your own quagmire of conflicting interests...government and science, and the corruption thereof.
The waters is fine for those governmental acolytes of your persuasion.
Have fun being misinformed and ignorant as to the nature of reality.
Good job.
Now call me another name, I know you want to, I know you need to...feel free...get it out...


Well-Known Member
Cecil's cubs were probably killed by whatever Lion is the new Alpha of the pride...

"We have to kill them to save them"


Total horseshit.


Well-Known Member
OH, then you admit you were wrong and that NASA and NOAA did in fact state unequivocally that 2014 was the hottest year on record.

Quite the contrary.
Your pathetic and desperate clinging to the coattails of demonstrably political and manipulative US Governmental mouthpieces speaks to your overwhelming ignorance concerning the recently well documented manipulation of historical temperature records by these very same paragons of scientific objectivity.
Carry on.


Well-Known Member
Quite the contrary.
Your pathetic and desperate clinging to the coattails of demonstrably political and manipulative US Governmental mouthpieces speaks to your overwhelming ignorance concerning the recently well documented manipulation of historical temperature records by these very same paragons of scientific objectivity.
Carry on.
So you do in fact admit that both NASA and NOAA concluded unequivocally that 2014 was in fact the hottest year on record.


Well-Known Member
That`s old now. This year was the record and forecast to next year possibly.
I don't think you're picking up what I'm throwing down here. You see, there are these two agencies conducting scientific research regarding the climate. They're called NASA and NOAA. They made the same conclusion. Whether or not you agree with the conclusion is of no bearing on the issue. The debate that you have decided to make yourself a part of regards whether or not the conclusion these agencies made was unequivocal or if it was more of a maybe. Try to keep up, ya dingus.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you're picking up what I'm throwing down here. You see, there are these two agencies conducting scientific research regarding the climate. They're called NASA and NOAA. They made the same conclusion. Whether or not you agree with the conclusion is of no bearing on the issue. The debate that you have decided to make yourself a part of regards whether or not the conclusion these agencies made was unequivocal or if it was more of a maybe. Try to keep up, ya dingus.

Oh I understand that,...but what I don`t know is if they stop funding the study, will they find another way to carry on with it ?


Well-Known Member
So you got that quote from Faux News? That explains it, since it sure as fuck didn't come from NASA.

By the way, NASA concluded unequivocally that 2014 was the hottest year on record, ya dingus.
So you got that quote from Faux News? That explains it, since it sure as fuck didn't come from NASA.

By the way, NASA concluded unequivocally that 2014 was the hottest year on record, ya dingus.
Quote, wtf are you on about? Are you going all the way back to post #41? If you're going to go back that far in the conversation, you might want to reply to it so we know you're changing direction. You and I were talking about the chart. Remember, the argument in which you are in the middle of losing your ass?

Mmm, yes it did.

And no, they didn't.