Zeitgeist: Moving Forward


Have any of you watched the newest Zeitgeist film(jan 2011)? And if so I'm just wondering your thoughts on the subject.

Anyone on this site actually a member of the movement?


Well-Known Member
Fuckin' great man..

I thought it was a spectacular leap from the second one which i found got way too ahead of it's self. Very idealistic/utopic. But this one actually lays out how to build and start sustainable way of living. Which is a definate need for human existence..

It's a long one too.. but worth the watch. 100%

Not a Zeitgeist member "officially" or anything but i always reccommend watching the first and now the third Zeitgeist.

I found there was a lot more humour in the third one.. which was nice


I figured that a lot of people in the marijuana community would share similar views (with obvious exception to the commercial growers).

When I first began watching it I couldn't figure out where they were going with all the nature vs nurture stuff. Slowly but surely they compound undeniable logic and facts until you realize that there are only two ways to continue life on this planet, the current system and an alternative. I'm not saying that the venus project is the only way out of humanity's rut, but I am certain that a market based economy is not the answer!!

The funny thing is that me and a friend were talking before watching it and saying that this world's fucked up and people need to see it through things like zeitgeist, but that the movies would never present a solution and we would have to figure it out on our own. Then two hours later, BAM! Here's how we can fix it. :D