Zeitgeist movies.. A new revolution or new Evolution?


Well-Known Member

I have been going on and on about this series of movies. Since it aims at offering us a choice I hope it is Politics enough for this forum.

What do you think? Religion, 911, national debt that cannot ever be paid back,
And where are we going? What will the future look like.


Active Member
I think there is truth in them, but the "extra leap" they always seem to take into tinfoil hat zone turns me off. It's a shame because I think they are well made. They present an alternative theory... but then they assume the theory to be true and extrapolate so far that I just shake my head. "Where is this all going?"... "Microchips! We will all be nothing but the microchips embedded under our skin!" Ugh.

I like "The Corporation", "Manufacturing Consent", and lectures by G Edward Griffin. They aren't as flashy as zeitgeist though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I too find the drama of political pieces a bit taxing. I did enjoy the Egyptian sun god stuff and parts of the 911 stuff.. Got to admit it's suspect when a building that wasn't hit collapses like the others and that molten pools of metal were found days after.
But it does offer us a contrasting point of view that private wealth the kind that exceeds the wealth of nations is not being rich it is being a part of a plutocracy.

What if we redo things and set limits on personal wealth with the goal of rewarding everyone who lives and contributes with a good quality of life. Since we all die i would assume a good life is the best we can do.

Oh Manufacturing consent is on the top of my list too.. I didn't see that until a year or so ago..

On Micro chips, we carry cell phones. That is basically a little brother device since they can remotely turn on the microphone and it operates like a GPS
It was pointed out to me that with things like social media we are consenting to, allow data to be gathered on us like the KGB couldn't have dreamt was possible. We are volunteering for these things when we fought the cold war to rid us of these things.

So are we the Beast of biblical prophesy? Cannot buy or sell with out ID?