Your Harvest Trick?


Well-Known Member
Scrape with a razor blade and smoke it! It knocks you on your ass!

I'm smoking some scissor-scrapings as I type this, I swear to God. Great stuff; certainly beats quick-drying uncured bud from my harvest.


Active Member
:hump:Hay guys please look out this video as soon as possible....
So that you can learn something my sweety buddy !!!

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Fiskars are the way to go... the Micro point ones..... They even got an award from the Arthritis Foundation, because they are so easy on the hands.

And whomever claimed alcohol won't clean off the residue and gum from trimming, I'd have to seriously question your 'experience'.. rubbing alcohol does work, and quite well I might add. :)
Agreed. With a clean pair I can trim for several hours by scraping the goop off with a razor. After i'm done I soak mine in a shot glass of rubbing alcohol. If you soak long enough all you have to do is dry them off when you remove them.