Your girl stories fellas? and advice for me


OK guys. Im pretty high right now but theres one thing that keeps popping up in the back of my thoughts all day and night.

Alright, I knew this girl for a few months at a job I had until recently. Things were going pretty sweet between us.

I dont know what it was about being with her. She made me feel a lot better although she was brutally honest with me at times about things I did and have done :-|.

She also has her own swagger, and a loud personality. She attracts people like moths to a flame. Everything she does strikes me in some way like the way she moves when her favourite songs comes on. The way we argue about what music we should play when we worked together. The way she tells me off for doing a poor job (which has saved me in the past). The way we can talk for hours about who knows what.

It was a pretty cool relationship. Shes extremely pretty, shes got a good job, her own place and her own car and an awesome personality that everyone LOVES. OK. So we were pretty dysfunctional as well because we were always teasing eachother and making eachother laugh and at times mad at eachother for whatever reason. It was kind of like a simon/paula relationship lol. In fact, that describes it very accurately.

I noticed myself becoming jealous slowly when I saw her with other guys having the time of her life. I had found out she had gone out with several guys in our workplace and that was a little annoying. These guys were all older than me, and I felt a little annoyed at this point. Especially one guy who admittedly, is smoother than me with the girls, which is pretty smooth.

The other guys try to lower my respect when they see me with her. But it didn't keep me down for long, I kept trying to keep our special relationship going without her losing respect for me.

Shes 22 and im 18. Ther guys that took her out were over 25 and had more respect than I did in the workplace. I do have a little game. But I became frustrated because I wouldn't be able to take getting rejected by her after shes gone out with all these guys. The news would spread quickly and I would lose all self respect.

I am now jobless, still living with my parents, but I have my own nice car. I plan on getting to the same playing field again and then learning "the game" more before I ask her out. She is one girl that you wouldn't want to miss out on. And ive spent a lot of time with her and im convinced that she is definately the women of my dreams. I do NOT want to ruin a shot with her.

What do you guys think? Is it cool that I want to get myself on the same level or higher than the guys that have taken her out? Am i being a wuss (for not wanting to ask her out while I got nothin?)? Do I need to learn how to get the respect of all other males around me at all times?

I really want this girl. Im not desperate. I could get on without her. The crush has worn off, but I know I have a special place for her in my heart if she ever comes my way.


Well-Known Member
Just fucking tell her. Don't live your life with regrets man. Plus you're younger. She may find it "cute".


Nobody is hatin yo. I just wanna know your guys thoughts. Plus your HIGHness might give me some extra insight lol


Well-Known Member
I honestly say your goal in life should be to find a new girl to bang every week. Look up my thread on my ex girlfriend. They schooled me on being stuck to 1girl. So not worth it. Your going to devote all yourtime & love to this girl but she's already tried all the guys at your old job meaning she's does not know what she wants. Be smart man there are plenty of fish in the sea. 1day your gona find a girlthat perfectly fits into your life. A girl that you will not have to lower yourself or upgrade your game for. A girl that will think your every thoght & feel your every emotion when you feel it. A girl that will really be for you. Some girl that you have to try & be good enough for? Naw man leave it alone it's a decieving road you wana get on. Before you know it she's gona be off feeling way different things that you would of never expected her to feel. She's not right for you if she's can't already notice that your into her & she doesn't feel what you feel. But that's souly my opinion man. I honestly think you should be happy with the girl you've got at home under your hps system happy with the nutes you give her & appreciates the fan over her.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
So tell her. But be prepared, it may fuck up your friendship.I had a guy friend I hung out with for two years, wanted in his pants in the worst way, was too afraid to make a move.We had a weird relationship, too. One night, he was acting all flirty, we went to his house,he wanted to make a move but didn't,I said, "hey, let's try shotgunning, I've never done that!" And of course our lips bumped and it was ON. I grabbed him and pulled him right on me and we attacked each other like two samurais fighting over a sandwich,lol.Unfortunately, he kinda blew his wad prematurely...TWICE.The next day was kinda awkward, I saw him once a few months after that, he told me he loved partying with me and would do it anytime,but we never got over that awkward thing and hung out again.I saw him in public a few times after that,and kinda hid so I wouldn't have to deal with him.
OK guys. Im pretty high right now but theres one thing that keeps popping up in the back of my thoughts all day and night.

Alright, I knew this girl for a few months at a job I had until recently. Things were going pretty sweet between us.

I dont know what it was about being with her. She made me feel a lot better although she was brutally honest with me at times about things I did and have done :-|.

She also has her own swagger, and a loud personality. She attracts people like moths to a flame. Everything she does strikes me in some way like the way she moves when her favourite songs comes on. The way we argue about what music we should play when we worked together. The way she tells me off for doing a poor job (which has saved me in the past). The way we can talk for hours about who knows what.

It was a pretty cool relationship. Shes extremely pretty, shes got a good job, her own place and her own car and an awesome personality that everyone LOVES. OK. So we were pretty dysfunctional as well because we were always teasing eachother and making eachother laugh and at times mad at eachother for whatever reason. It was kind of like a simon/paula relationship lol. In fact, that describes it very accurately.

I noticed myself becoming jealous slowly when I saw her with other guys having the time of her life. I had found out she had gone out with several guys in our workplace and that was a little annoying. These guys were all older than me, and I felt a little annoyed at this point. Especially one guy who admittedly, is smoother than me with the girls, which is pretty smooth.

The other guys try to lower my respect when they see me with her. But it didn't keep me down for long, I kept trying to keep our special relationship going without her losing respect for me.

Shes 22 and im 18. Ther guys that took her out were over 25 and had more respect than I did in the workplace. I do have a little game. But I became frustrated because I wouldn't be able to take getting rejected by her after shes gone out with all these guys. The news would spread quickly and I would lose all self respect.

I am now jobless, still living with my parents, but I have my own nice car. I plan on getting to the same playing field again and then learning "the game" more before I ask her out. She is one girl that you wouldn't want to miss out on. And ive spent a lot of time with her and im convinced that she is definately the women of my dreams. I do NOT want to ruin a shot with her.

What do you guys think? Is it cool that I want to get myself on the same level or higher than the guys that have taken her out? Am i being a wuss (for not wanting to ask her out while I got nothin?)? Do I need to learn how to get the respect of all other males around me at all times?

I really want this girl. Im not desperate. I could get on without her. The crush has worn off, but I know I have a special place for her in my heart if she ever comes my way.


Well-Known Member
dude, to earn the respect of the guys and that girl.. u gota be confident. u have to have the mind set that she likes you and she would be lucky to have you. always have that swagger. guys and girls can tell if u have swagger. girls love swagger.. guys r jealous of it. dont "ask" her out... tell her ur going out. u no wat i mean? im in the same boat as u as far as the chick of ur "dreams" goes. shes got a boy friend.. but i dont care. in my mind.. she's all mine.


fuck sake man you sound like a whinging little bitch, your fuckin 18!!!!!!!!!! see when you hit 30 you should have pumped hunners of women and thats when "the older" males will respect you. get a new job,keep toking and play the field. carefull what you wish for, you might just get it. i.e 21 with 2 kids, massive debts and a dead end job you hate..........wondering if that pussy was worth it.


Well-Known Member
fuck sake man you sound like a whinging little bitch, your fuckin 18!!!!!!!!!! see when you hit 30 you should have pumped hunners of women and thats when "the older" males will respect you. get a new job,keep toking and play the field. carefull what you wish for, you might just get it. i.e 21 with 2 kids, massive debts and a dead end job you hate..........wondering if that pussy was worth it.
Honestly man enjoy your good years. Find real cool chicks that like you for who you are swagger or not. The easiest chick to be around with is the chick that digs you for who you really are.


Well-Known Member
Honestly man enjoy your good years. Find real cool chicks that like you for who you are swagger or not. The easiest chick to be around with is the chick that digs you for who you really are.
i agree man.. but sometimes u gota hav that swagger to get her. no one finds out who u "really" are till after uve dated them for awhile.


thanks for all the diverse comments guys. Keep em coming.

To jfgordon. That mindset is the one i used to have, but since losing my job, I dont have anymore. That is why I feel the need to get back on the same level with this girl before I make any moves. Its cool that you think shes gonna be your girl in the end anyway. Thats how I look at my situation.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the diverse comments guys. Keep em coming.

To jfgordon. That mindset is the one i used to have, but since losing my job, I dont have anymore. That is why I feel the need to get back on the same level with this girl before I make any moves. Its cool that you think shes gonna be your girl in the end anyway. Thats how I look at my situation.
u gota think that way.. and if it turns out she's not the one.. there's ALWAYS another one. u just gota try. if she denies u.. then fuck her. she wasnt worth ur time anyway. light up a joint.. think about that next one that comes by. but i no wat u mean when u say shes cool as hell n all that.. been there b4 and going thru it again... theres more out there if this doesnt work out. jst keep that chin high man.. job or no job.. in ur mind.. ur a fucking billionaire boy :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i agree man.. but sometimes u gota hav that swagger to get her. no one finds out who u "really" are till after uve dated them for awhile.
Haha yeah you can't really be "yourself" because man were all stoners sometimes & we do weird things. Just dnt get too into her man. Eggs in 1 basket is like not good or something like that. :bigjoint:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well,let me just say, I am always myself.How can they like you for you if you're not?Sure, everybody plays nice at first, but you can't pretend to be something you're not. Total and complete honesty.No games,no pretending.Saves so much time and so many headaches, I tell you.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah you can't really be "yourself" because man were all stoners sometimes & we do weird things. Just dnt get too into her man. Eggs in 1 basket is like not good or something like that. :bigjoint:
haha exactly... u gota hide all that weird shit for atleast the first 6 months of a relationship. then slowly work that weird shit in :bigjoint:. but yes man.. put some of ur eggs n that basket..dont have a ring ready or anything :mrgreen:. i no u no this tho.


Well-Known Member
Well,let me just say, I am always myself.How can they like you for you if you're not?Sure, everybody plays nice at first, but you can't pretend to be something you're not. Total and complete honesty.No games,no pretending.Saves so much time and so many headaches, I tell you.:mrgreen:
coming from a lady though. when ur a guy its a little different. im not trying to say "pretend" to be something else.... be yourself just have confidence. and as far as the games go. i HATE games too.. but thats just how things work.. keeping games to a minimum is very nice though :mrgreen:. however.. i like games if im winning the game ;-)

edit: im posting in this thread like its mine lol.. my bad bro

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, but that's what gets you bitched at when she's been your girlfriend for a while.She remembers how you were at first and misses it, because that's why she chose you.........
coming from a lady though. when ur a guy its a little different. im not trying to say "pretend" to be something else.... be yourself just have confidence. and as far as the games go. i HATE games too.. but thats just how things work.. keeping games to a minimum is very nice though :mrgreen:. however.. i like games if im winning the game ;-)

edit: im posting in this thread like its mine lol.. my bad bro


Stoney McFried. I agree with your comments on basically just being yourself. Or as I like to put it "keeping it real". That means, my personality doesnt change when im with different people, or different places etc. However, At the beginning, it was necessary to "fool" myself and to fool girls i was picking up into thinking Im the shit and they should be with me. If you got game, incorporate it into your personality, if you dont, fake it till you make it.

And amen to hiding all the wierd stoner stuff hahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but that's what gets you bitched at when she's been your girlfriend for a while.She remembers how you were at first and misses it, because that's why she chose you.........
thats the key phrase right there. that means u snagged her.. u worry about the bitching later :mrgreen:. thanks for proving my point stoney :lol:. guys are assholes..even though we (me anyway) really do want good things to happen. i guess thats why u start out dating instead of going straight to marrage.