Your First Joint


Active Member
First joint was actually a good experience, I was with 2 friends one of them is a king of rolling he is known for it around here. We were in my house he taught me his technique was cool. bongsmilie peace!


Active Member
I'm a champ.

My first time (gotta love the virgin stories) was when I was at a catholic boarding school. We would leave Friday after class (except I stayed late every week because I was in trouble) and return every Sunday night. It was MLB playoff time and all the monks and priests were watching the games.

This particular Sunday a friend of mine came back with a bag of green shit. Nobody would do it except for him and another guy until I stepped up to the plate. I smoked the shit out of this stuff in my dorm room not knowing what I was doing. About 30 min. later a loud knock at the door and I'm busted. I never ratted anyone out, and nobody came to my side. I had to go in front of the 'board' which consisted of 20-30 fucking priests and monks who voted unanimously to kick me out. It was an easy vote for them because a week prior to this I got in a fight with one of the priests who hit me because basically he's an alcoholic.

After that I didn't touch the stuff until 3 yrs later in college when my friends bought me a pizza that they put mushrooms on. That night was the best night ever and I consider it my REAL intro to the life!

Party on Wayne. Party on Garth.


Active Member
When I was 13 my mate brought down some hash, we sat on a bridge over a stream and rolled up some shiity small skins, and smoked 'em up. We just laughed our heads off. He asked why I was laughin', I explained that it was 'cause a fly wasn't moving, he told me he was laughin' because the stream was moving... We laughed till our faces hurt. Then we went and ran over cars all down a street....good times


Well-Known Member
well I didn't get high my first 3 or 4 tries, but my first time actually getting high, my world turned upside down. Smoked a joint with my room mate at a duckpond near our place, and felt nothing... at first. On the way back, I become intensely fixated on... well... EVERYTHING. It was like 10 times more 3-dimensional than normal, if that even makes sense, and I'd focus on every single thing in my field of vision (the grass, sidewalk, dirt, twigs, trees, branches, clouds, the street, the walls of my stairwell, my bedroom door, you get the idea) and was utterly amazed (and amused) at how "REALISTIC" everything looked (probably because it was real... but that didn't seem to matter to me)



Well-Known Member
i rolled it with a post it :blsmoke:
ouch? sounds like it would hurt smoking a damn post-it note:spew:My first joint was shitty because I tried rolling with papers that were small as hell and I didn't know how to inhale, tried a ghetto bong but my friends suck at making them so just got buzzed. I was like "this is what being high is like? Kinda sucks..." Second time I got FUCKED up, insane tunnel vision and I thought I was gonna have to go to the hospital (not used to getting that feeling). Fuck man my second and third times were amazing:joint::hump: I can't wait untill I get some dank buds off my plants.


Active Member
dont remember exactly when, but i do remember that an ounce cost between 10 and 20 dollars. mostly mexican and colombian.


Well-Known Member
i rolled a beautiful joint my first time, looked like a store bought cigarette.. i smoked it with 2 friends in the middle of some woods and didnt feel shit

but then i discovered gravity bongs!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Ah my first joint its like a Golden Classic of my life I kept losing balance laughing at litterally nothing time shifted it was fuckin wicked as I hit the ground I would watch myself fall back in my mind and it was just crazy


Active Member
first jointed was a angel in disguise

looked like shit but god did it make me super high

for 3 hours i thought i was at a funeral


Well-Known Member
LOL man I smoked this weed once and none of my friends got high but me it sent me into a whole new world of stonedness I was sitting in science class just zoning out and we had to wear protective glasses so everyone could see how red my eyes were at 1 in the afternoon hahaha


Active Member
and youre sitting stoned as motherfucker a with the joint and thinking "what the fuck did i do that these fucks didnt do"..i dunno, ive never gotten as high as that one sesh

it wasnt scary at all..just absolutely euphoric


Well-Known Member
got sum BOMB hash from the club....
good shit i rolled it in a long string and put it in the joint.. soooooooo goood.


Active Member
first thing I ever smoked was some stress.. smoked in the homies garage and felt like I was underwater, I could feel all my hairs moving lmao. and everything looked like I was watchin tv or somethin.. like I my mind was behind me a couple feet.. IDK lol

first join I ever rolled was a piece of shit, it was pregnant and the babies just kept fallin out lol, was blazin up in the attic of some barn..
but now im pro-roller, I never seen someone roll a blunt as straight as me, yet...:roll:


Active Member
Me and me mates went down to a primary (elementary) school which was closed down. They all got mashed and I got nothing off it. My initial impressions of weed were negative.
