Young Plants not growing


Hi people,

2 weeks ago i started my first grow in a proper set up. 400w hps, budbox, wilma 4's. I germed 4 lowryder 2's but they not doing great, stunted almost completely. Now i made a few noob mistakes there i know, i will list below but what would really be helpful is some sound advice to try and turn this around asap as the 10 week autoflower clock is ticking away on me.

- Germed in kitchen roll
- Seedling place straight under the HPS, about 2ft away
- Temps hit highs of 32c
- night time temps hit lows of 7c

So i've almost sorted the temps out, about 5-6 days ago i sorted the lows to 12-15c and i have the highs down to 27-28c. I have a fan blowing between the pots and the light and an extractor fan up top.

3 of the plants have the 2nd set of true leaves but they not properly developed and so close to each other you couldnt get a piece of paper between them. the 4th plant only has the cotyledon leaves, 4 days ago i moved it out of the room and under 2 x 25w cfls to try and destress it but it hasn't grown at all.

They are growing in coco coir, i have only fed from the wilma res 3 times all-in-all for 15 mins, rods away from the seedlings (canna a+b 20mls each in 25 litre res), i am mainly watering PH-ed (6.2) tap water by hand.

They are on 18/6 lights, last week i shifted the dark period forward 9 hours, 3 hours per day to get the dark period away from actual cold night time in order to solve the low temp issue.

I have the HPS light now way above the plants, some 3ft for the time being. The temp gauge still reads 25-28c although it doesn't feel that hot to me at all.

I know some of my actions here would have stuned the plants, i think they have been happier with their conditions for at least 4-5days now however no real growth. I have grown lowrdyer 2's a few times before in an aerogarden (2x 15w cfl) and they should be far biggers than this.

I would appreciate any suggestions, im worried that this problem in this crutial time of the plants lives could be a show stopper.

I doubt a photo would really help but i can post one if needed.

Many thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you've got alot of stunting going on there...whats your humidity like? A low humidity for a seedling will also stunt its growth, so if you are running with a humidity lower than 60-70% that will also have some effect on it. The HPS blows out the green color of the leaves in pictures, so can't really tell if you are having a nitrogen deficiency or not, but since you are growing in coco you have to give them the nutrients they need. The cotyledons probably got dried out and are not pulling nutrients out well anymore, so the plant is trying to rely on its root structure that its grown so far. I'd start giving it some nutrients asap. It looks underwatered and undernuted basically at this point.


Thanks for replying.

I actually removed the pot from the room to take that pic, the light source was from my phone light. I've no idea about the hummidity, i dont have a hygrometer (yet). There is a res at the bottom of the room though so that should provide some humidity right?

I was thinking that i was actually overwatering, they have had a splash of water almost every day up til a few days ago where i laid off. I've read so much about them not needing any nutes until they have a few sets of leaves so it could be that. I haven't given them any nutes directly, the res has a very low amount of nutes in 20mls canna A+B each (E.C = 0.8), i have the arrows in the middle of the pots and the seedlings planted in corners so unless the roots have made it that far they could have more or less had nothing

Should they be getting nutes at that stage?



Well-Known Member
Should they be getting nutes at that stage?
Since the seedling didn't really get much of a chance to get the nutrients it already had stored in its cotyledons since they look big and full, give it nutes now...and water more often...i never tell anyone to water more...but in this case...i believe its warranted...but I'd like to see some more experienced coco growers chime in to validate my hypothesis :D

un named

Active Member
i have kinda the same thing going on as you i did have them under a hps then i swopped them to go under 4 20 watt 6500 cfls and shit they are small and they are like 31 days old!!!! mines smaller then urs. :<


Well-Known Member
there is also light stress, and shock...but honestly slow plant growth can have a number of different variables that can cause it...usually overanalysing the shit out of your grow is also a bad thing...its easy to grow, but hard at the same time if your are way too OCD about some can make a simple mistake by overlooking something when you are so focused you start getting tunnel vision :)

un named

Active Member
haha yer thats me..and my lighting stuffed up atleast 5 different times so prettymuch i have had light schedule problems light type problems heat problems humidity problems over watering problems lol list probs gos on haha


Well-Known Member
haha yer thats me..and my lighting stuffed up atleast 5 different times so prettymuch i have had light schedule problems light type problems heat problems humidity problems over watering problems lol list probs gos on haha
But you know what? You learned a fuckton in the process didn't you? Thats the whole thing about learn wtf you did wrong the last time and compensate the next time. Its the natural process of life, fuck up, learn, fuck up, learn...ive fucked up many times so far, but Iv'e yet to make the same mistake twice :D


Well-Known Member
haha yer thats me..and my lighting stuffed up atleast 5 different times so prettymuch i have had light schedule problems light type problems heat problems humidity problems over watering problems lol list probs gos on haha
Sounds like you've fucked yourself. I don't get how people have problems like this. Do some reading or somthing. The quality of my first grow far surpassed the quality of many local groweres of good shit have been producing for years. Its easy! God damn I'm bored of all these idiots here.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you've fucked yourself. I don't get how people have problems like this. Do some reading or somthing. The quality of my first grow far surpassed the quality of many local groweres of good shit have been producing for years. Its easy! God damn I'm bored of all these idiots here.
This was totally uncalled for.


Well-Known Member
drabarni, You seem to have jumped a little ahead of your skill level and are currently in what is called a 'soil less' mix, meaning there are no nutrients for the plant to absorb, and all nutes must be provided by you at all times. As a new grower you may want to switch over to a soil mixture.
Without having 1st hand knowledge of the specific nutritional needs of the particular strain you have, you'll most likely have troubles throughout the whole grow.


okie dokie, thanks folks!

I just gave each plant about 80mls of PHed (5.8) water, 15ltrs with 20mls each of canna A+B and an EC of 1.1.

I'm still worried that i've over watered them, this is why a small amount of water was used, enough for them to get some nutes though.

How long would you expect to notice a positive affect if it was under-nuting?


drabarni, You seem to have jumped a little ahead of your skill level and are currently in what is called a 'soil less' mix, meaning there are no nutrients for the plant to absorb, and all nutes must be provided by you at all times. As a new grower you may want to switch over to a soil mixture.
Without having 1st hand knowledge of the specific nutritional needs of the particular strain you have, you'll most likely have troubles throughout the whole grow.

Aye, run before i can walk - that's me all over i'm afraid. For now i'll have to persevere though, will deffo keep me entertained for the next couple of months anyway :)

un named

Active Member
massah, cheers for the positive feed back like a lot of people they learn better from making the mistakes themselves not reading about thanks peyote but go fuck yourself i hate gay fucks like you. i may have problems with my plants but i bet your whole life is a problem and way to brag i doubt your 1st grow was anything like you said. P.S. if i were to do any fucking i would get your mum to do it. (im sorry if anyone other than peyote got offended)


Monday night i put thru 10 litres of water with nutes, today 10 litres of water without nutes, just a few drops of super thrive.

They looking better already and starting to recover.

Thanks Massah et al