Young Plants Leaves Drooping / Curling Downwards. Sad plants, Help!! :(


Well-Known Member
Hello, I have some new ladies that aren't looking too swell to say the least.

I received some clones a few days ago, which were looking healthy when I got them. I gave them some nutes once (Low dose @ ~150ppm pH'd to 6.5 consisting of: FloraNova, Silica from Botanicare, two humic acid's [Sea Green & FulPower], and Heavy 16 Prime Sweetener). The following day I transplanted them from the cups to 2 gal pots (ProMix soil pre-watered before transplant with 6.5pH filtered water) and added some Zho around the transplant zone. Roots looked nice. Since then they've looked like this (pics below).

I haven't fed since 3 days ago, I did water them yesterday a little and give them a light foliar feeding with just plain water with a few mL of GH Rapid Start.

Room conditions are as follows:

Temps: 72*F-77*F (First 2 days temps got up to about 80-81 MAX but this is controlled now)
RH: Started out ~20% when I first got the clones, around 35% constantly now.
Light: Air Cooled 1000w MH on 24/0
Light height: Plenty high, easily 24"+ away from plants
All Water & Nutes pH'd to: 6.5
Soil: ProMix with added perlite mixed in and a layer of perlite on top.
Pots: Smart pots
Ventilation: Plenty of ventilation and there is a fan in the room too.

Pics: (Sorry to be that guy with the magnetic ballasts turned on, but my good camera is inaccessible currently)



Well-Known Member
1000W is a lot for those little guys....I think you should try floros till they grow a little bit first. can u dim down that 1000 watter? and u only need 18/6 right now.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately it's not dimmable, the light has been raised to help reduce its intensity. I've done 24/0 in veg with a 1k for all my previous grows without an issue.


Well-Known Member
That soil ur growing in, that's a organic soilless mix I wanna say, if so lower that ph down a bit 6.2 to 6.3 . They tend to do better in that ph range for soilless mediums it also gives it a bit more range for the soil to buffer. I'd also get a few florals to vegg right now. 1000w is to intense for a young cuttling plus it's also wasted power and money


Well-Known Member
ProMix is soil not soilless. I just have perlite sprinkled on top for bug prevention.

Do fluro tubes put out much heat? The temps surrounding this grow area are quite low; this HID does a good job at getting the temps where they need to be. Come spring I plan on getting some for this veg area instead of the 1k MH.


Well-Known Member
Compact cfls tend to make a room warmer the a few t5 ho tubes due to u needing more cfls to make up the lose llumes . Each clf has a ballets so that's why she will run warmer. It u can t5s I say are the way to go when it comes to florals . Use a space heater if u can to keep the room temps where they new to be if temps maybe a problem. But like I said that 1000 is over kill, and u'll end up paying more in electrical then needed in the end


Well-Known Member
topfuel: I was thinking this could be a possibility from the initial feeding, didn't look like soil had good drainage. I made sure to add plenty perlite to the soil for the transplant. Thanks for that chart, good to see I'm more towards the farther end of optimal light distance but still good.

Jloi: I do have a 125w CFL laying around, but I don't think that'll be enough to cover all of them. The one reason why I like the 1k is in later veg the node spacing is a lot more tighter than CFL's (haven't personally tried fluro tubes yet). Plus I tend to veg for a while, here's a pic of one of my previous plants, still in veg at that time. ;)
IMGP0061.jpg IMGP0052.jpg