You Know You're a Stoner if....


You know you're a stoner when you know all the words to Friday, because you were already sitting down and smoking a joint before you popped in a different movie all summer...


When you're stood in Asda cursing at them for moving the fruit and veg section cos its no longer there...........and the nice shop assistant tells you its where its always been. Youre in Tescos.


Active Member
the 1st time I smoke weed, I was at my homie's house and after 1 hit he told me a joke, then I kept laughing the entire afternoon.
the next day I've already forgot what that joke was and why was it so funny, the only thing I could remember was that I laughed so hard cus my voice was hoarse, so I asked him how could I kept laughing for so long.
He told me that 2 mins after that hit I asked him what that joke was, and he was like "damn u already forgot?", then I started endless laughing and paused every few mins like: oh shit! I forgot what Im laughing at again, hahahaha......
when you put the kettle on, walk out and less than thirty seconds later forget why you went into the kitchen....even though you swear you can hear a whistlin noise. pass those cookies bro!
You know you're a stoner if while looking at random objects, the question: "hmm.. could I smoke out of that???" pops in your head(:


Well-Known Member
You sit on the "bowl" smoking a bowl & forget to wipe. NOt noticing till later in the morning..

Enough said on THAT one :)

Don't laugh. I KNOW you've all done it too!!

Or while on the bowl smoking a bowl you read the same damn article in your High Times mag 20 times & STILL not retain any of it! You can still enjoy the pictures though!
you know your a stoner when make special trips to the store for your cravings.
you know your a stoner when the bowls empty and your takin hits.
you know your a stoner when someone tosses a clip and you pick it up and make sure its beat.

mine r stupid. you know your a stoner when you cant think oof you know your a stoner jokes hahaha


you know your a stoner when you watch the same episode of sportscenter 4 times and still can't remember who won most of the games.


Well-Known Member
When you use scolding hot clear eyes that have been you glove box all day.
The bottom of your lighter is black with ashes.


You know your a stoner when... You pack the bowl and hold it for a half hour before realizing you were planning on smoking again. Just happened to me


Active Member
You know you're a stoner if you go to the kitchen four times because each time you forgot what you were getting in the first place....


Well-Known Member
you kno your a stoner if u ever missed school cuz u were too busy smoking(my junior yr.)

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
you know your a stoner if your in mid sentence of a great story then ask your buddy what your were talking about

you know your a stoner when you make 4 trips up and down the stairs and keep forgetting what you went to get in the first place