You know you're a pothead when:


Well-Known Member
when trying to get out of the driveway to go to work, the THIRD trip back to the house DOESN'T get the thing you forgot, now you can't remember what that was and you realise you also forgot your coffee on the counter. oh yeah, my wallet.
back into house, back out to car with coffee and no wallet.


Well-Known Member
You replenish your stash, only to find yourself mentally calculating for a half hour to determine that the three zones you got will last you two weeks.........and a week later, you start feeling anxious about when and where your next re-up is coming from.


Well-Known Member
When your certain that the story you just told your wife was from a co-worker and she screams at you for having told you the same story like ten minutes before....shit I wasn't at work when I heard that.


Well-Known Member
When you were so blind and out of your mind that you left the water running for 10 minutes because you was eating Chicken in a Biskit and watching Bra Boys! lol..


Well-Known Member
You know you're a pothead know you're a pothead when..youknowyou''s always 420..when you reach into every pocket and find stash.. when you put down 1 bowl..yet pick up another and you haven't moved....


Green Thumb of God
You know you are a pothead when your thumb has developed a fire proof callous.
You know you are a pothead when you can roll a joint with one hand.
You know you are a pothead when you live in the U.S. and know the metric system


Well-Known Member
You know you are a pothead when your thumb has developed a fire proof callous.
You know you are a pothead when you can roll a joint with one hand.
You know you are a pothead when you live in the U.S. and know the metric system
i know im a pot head cuz i can relate to this.


Well-Known Member
when you go to the fridge/cupboard/whatever and have no idea why you are there, let alone how you got there...

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
when is your homepage

when you find food in the fridge from last night and ask yourself how you can eat shit like that

when you put a little weed in your cats food to see what happens... it's actually very funny...


Well-Known Member
when u create threads that u cant really remember creating

not to mention why u would have created them in the first place wow!


Well-Known Member
before you even wake up you have a girl in your room breaking up pot, then she wakes you to roll it for the wake and bake

you hear the word roach or roaches and you dont think bugs.

you name your piece and it is treated better than your girlfriend or whatever it is you have

you find weed you didnt even know was in your house then proceed to smoke it
have found forgeten weed befor. you are a pot head when you have to clean your pipe every 3 days cuz its clogged again.
your little black book only contains numbers of dealers


Well-Known Member
i just got to say if your pipe is getting clogged every three days you either have a crappy really small pipe or you smoke so much you should move on to blunts or something


Well-Known Member
when you look at your girl and say wheres that joint? and she sais we smoked it so you respond with oh . roll another one


Well-Known Member
When you wake up completely baked

(because your room mate got up earlier then you did and was shotgunning you all morning as your slept)