You ever heard of this?????


Active Member
One of my plants that has been 12/12 for 58 days is growing a whole bunch of leaves are growing on top of the main cola. It looks like it stopped producing the main bud and is now growing leaves. Is that possible? The rest of the buds look great. Someone please help!

I grow nugs

Active Member
i think mines doing the same thing... i think it means it isnt gettin enough light so its makin more leaves to help obsorb light... just a hunch mines under a tree and its shadow


Active Member
so what do i do now if it went back into veg? I dont think there is a leak but my grow room is in my garage and i had to go in there one day when the lights were out and it might have got light when i opened the door and closed it. I tried to be carefull but i must have not been carefull enough


Active Member
I would check for light leeks close to that plant, sounds like she went back into veg.
so what do i do now if it went back into veg? I dont think there is a leak but my grow room is in my garage and i had to go in there one day when the lights were out and it might have got light when i opened the door and closed it. I tried to be carefull but i must have not been carefull enough


Well-Known Member
I don't think one occasion of disrupted night period is another to throw your plant back into vegging.

If your at 58 days flower then you haven't got long to go, I would just keep doing wat your doing and you'll be fine.

Also to check for light leaks I would switch my light of 10 mins early one day and jump get into the grow room if you can, close the door and wait a minute for your eyes to adjust, then if there is a light leak you will know for sure.


Well-Known Member
so what do i do now if it went back into veg? I dont think there is a leak but my grow room is in my garage and i had to go in there one day when the lights were out and it might have got light when i opened the door and closed it. I tried to be carefull but i must have not been carefull enough
I would just keep going, but check for the leeks! Sometimes, shit just happens, right?!


Well-Known Member
Opening the door 1 time during lights out WILL NOT induce flowering plants to go back to vegging. You will have to have the lights on 24 hours a day for 2-4 weeks to turn them back to veg.

Just keep growing and don't worry about that plant at all until you harvest.


Active Member
Opening the door 1 time during lights out WILL NOT induce flowering plants to go back to vegging. You will have to have the lights on 24 hours a day for 2-4 weeks to turn them back to veg.

Just keep growing and don't worry about that plant at all until you harvest.
There are 4 leaves growing on top of the main cola can i cut them off so it could get more light or should i leave it?


Active Member
is your av pic the the plant in question?
no cause its towards the back and the night i took the pics i was to lazy to take pics of any of the 3 in the back of the room. i took pics the only problem i have is i dont have a usb cord so i am trying to borrow one so i could post this pic cause its bothering me. It makes me just want to chop it.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I would suggest that the plant thinks it needs those leaves. Cutting them off may cause stress. I would leave them alone and proceed as usual.