You ever do weird shit.


Well-Known Member
Like all of us, walk into a room and forget why your there. Ever lose the remote while never getting off the couch. Ever had your wife yell because you put the cereal in the fridge and the milk in cupboard.


hmm you mean like start to leave the house with no shoes on? how about once a week I walk out of the house without my keys and have to have my wife let me back in or break in to my own damn house? About once a month I am good for forgetting my wallet at home a few times having to borrow money from a friend or family for gas... yea I am a bit of a scatter brain


Well-Known Member
Sometimes when I'm grocery shopping I pretend I am a falcon and maneuver my cart up and down the aisles flapping my wings and screaming like a falcon. Other than that not really.


Well-Known Member
caught myself sitting in the shower, eating a cheese stick (biting not pulling), puffin on an e-cig the other day with a now piss warm beer at my side. but no i have no fucking idea what you are talking about... seek help.


Well-Known Member
yeah one time years ago I ate an entire box of red velvet cookies, woke up the next morning to take a shit and forgot about the cookies. Thought I had blood in my stool...Phone was ringing at the hospital when I remembered I ate the cookies. SMH weird and dumb