You better watch your shit Mexico....


Well-Known Member
well as long as you are set for a war you shouldnt worry. o dont forget kissing the govs ass helps. meaning pay your taxes and youll be fine. we still owe 1.something in bailout money to the government. what ever happened to all that cash that comes from reselling ceased bud from mexico? i though that was enough to keep the boarders strong. wheres my gas mask


Ursus marijanus
Bunch a Bradleys on a train ... paint scheme isn't right for finishing up desert manuevers at that base in SoCal ... maybe just going to the dealer for the complimentary oil change and detailing ... cn


Ursus marijanus
Not sure why, and I could be wrong ... but I had the impression the train was headed north. I seriously doubt that trainload had anything to do with serious military maneuvers andor mobilization. cn


Ursus marijanus
Think of the movie that would make though ... bunch a bandits with serious ordnance on dirt bikes ... "Stagecoach" meets "The Road Warrior" ... cn


Well-Known Member
they probably already have better ones...
true lol.I seen some documentary about the zetas and they said they had helicopters and shit.

On a side note a few years ago I was waiting on a CSX train to pass and this one was carrying a bunch of military vehicles with the regular green/brown camo paint.It had tanks,humvees etc.Even the big fuel tanks were painted camo.It was going slow to,someone could of easily hopped on it.I couldn't see no turrets or anything,thank god lol,that's all we need is a bunch of cracked out bums running around with military weapons.