yield question


Active Member
Hi everyone, how are you all doing? I have a question regarding yeild. I am going to clone this plant I have and then start flowering it. it is about 12 inches tall rite now, very green and pretty happy! I have recently changed my lighting situation, rite now I have one 2 foot floresent light (20 watts) and three one foot (20 watt) lights all surrounding my plant... and none of them are more than 8 inches away from my plant (i would put them closer if I could). I now have about three and a half feet of grow height since my lights are around the plant, and I have been feeding it Nutrients (miracle gro tomato food. but half the potency). I keep a fan on it and the temperature between 80 and 87 or so, (farenheight) although sometimes it peeks a little higher... everything is perfect I think except I dont have a HPS light, which is what I have found to be the best way to grow, after doing some research. I wish i could afford it.. but since I am only growing one plant and it is in a 2 foot wide 3.5 feet high. i think it should be okay? anyhow my main question is, if it flowers does anyone know around how much yield it would produce, I know all strains are different, this is just some dank cronic that had a seed in it. but in my lighting situation any ideas on how much yield. I mean ball park.

Like I dont know if it will be a half ounce, or an eighth of an ounce, or a freakin quarter pound... Im sure that it ranges between all those, but if there is anything I can do to produce a high yield let me know... besides talking to, and showering your plant with love............ because I think I do that enough by now.

thanks folks!


New Member
One two-foot plant under that low light situation? You'll be lucky to get 1/4 - 1/2 ounce.



Active Member
damn... well, that's a quarter ounce more than I have right now. but I may hold off on any other attempts after this. Untill I can afford it a bit better, and have more space.

Sergeant Stoner

Active Member
Ya, sad to say it, but unless you get an HPS for flowerin' a quarter's probably on the optimisic side. They seem pricey yes, but believe me when i say that in the end its worth it.
Cheers, Sarge


Active Member
Honestly i'm sorry dude but I think You will be lucky to produce any bud, and if you do i doubt it will be potent. The only reason i say so is because a florescent light doesn't produce the proper color spectrum for he flowering phase. Try buying a spot grow lamp from Wal - Mart with some bloom solution, this should help it bud and don't forget to change the lighting to 12 and 12 for the last few weeks. I also wouldn't hurt to bring the temp down closer to 75 degrees.


Well-Known Member
Compact Fluoros have, time and time again, proven to be powerful enough to produce a good final product. Your problem... Is that you're using tube Flourescents which, time and time again, have proven to produce a bad final product.

My suggestion is to go down to home depot, and pick up a really, really cheap 120v 70w High Pressure Sodium Floodlight. This is enough to make one plant flower really nicely... And costs around 60$... You could probably get a good 1/2-1 oz off of a 2ft high plant with a 70w HPS, saving you around 100$ in bud prices.