Yet Another New Guy

Hey everyone,

I'm TheAutonomousGeek, or T.A.G. for short. Note that it's "autonomous", not "anonymous" though I prefer to be that as well. Basically I'm very passionate about being able to do things for myself since having an ability gives you more options. If I can grow my own food I have the option to do that, OR pay for others to do so. Freedom, at its most basic element. You get the idea.

So that, plus my other passion (all things technological) created the concept for my blog which, after several days (weeks) of kicking around ideas I decided to call "The Autonomous Geek" and also to take the name as a moniker for my online presence.

I don't live in a state where it's legal to do so, so I don't grow cannabis at present (LEO's take note, please) and don't plan to unless the laws change. I do, however, strongly believe it shouldn't be illegal to grow any plant, anywhere. What's more, I recognize that if there's any innovation in hydroponics happening, it's happening with you guys here with far more frequency than some lab jockey staring at begonias all day. Things get done where the motivation - the love - is. That's here, so I'm here.

I'm not new to hydroponics by any means, though. The only thing more fun than doing something myself is doing it myself with as much science as possible. Hydroponics is just the obvious combination of building some self-sufficiency skills while getting technology involved as much as possible. I'm still trying to figure out how to incorporate robots. Or lasers. Or robots with lasers.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to exchanging knowledge here.

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Staff member
welcome to riu, you cannot self promote though had to remove that
have an excellent day
That's no problem, I can still edit it so that after it was removed it didn't look like I couldn't write in complete sentences.

I would mention, though, that most websites (including this one) could benefit from additional promotion. But if I can't make people aware of my blog here there's no benefit to me positively mentioning RIU on my blog. I realize that's probably not terribly important to anyone here at this time - I'm a little guy and you guys have a 4/10 Google Page Rank, but everyone starts out small...

I recognize the need to draw a line and I assure you I'm not really even annoyed or anything about this (more like amused actually), but it does seem a little militant to draw the line so severely restrictively. Particularly given the severely restrictive nature of federal laws regarding the primary point of topic on this forum. I don't have to understand the logic behind the rule, nor am I asking to. I'm just making an observation that - from my perspective - there appear to by hypocritical parallels.


Staff member
That's no problem, I can still edit it so that after it was removed it didn't look like I couldn't write in complete sentences.

I would mention, though, that most websites (including this one) could benefit from additional promotion. But if I can't make people aware of my blog here there's no benefit to me positively mentioning RIU on my blog. I realize that's probably not terribly important to anyone here at this time - I'm a little guy and you guys have a 4/10 Google Page Rank, but everyone starts out small...

I recognize the need to draw a line and I assure you I'm not really even annoyed or anything about this (more like amused actually), but it does seem a little militant to draw the line so severely restrictively. Particularly given the severely restrictive nature of federal laws regarding the primary point of topic on this forum. I don't have to understand the logic behind the rule, nor am I asking to. I'm just making an observation that - from my perspective - there appear to by hypocritical parallels.
if you wanna advertise you can click our advertise button at the top :)
enjoy your time at riu and have a lovely day
Oh I'm fully aware of how to spend money to promote a website. I'm not interested in monetizing what amounts to a hobby of mine. It's just my personal opinion, but I think personal blogs should grow (or not grow) organically based on human interaction, networking, and content rather than how deep the blogger's pockets are or how well he's able to commercialize the blog.

Like I said, it's fine if you don't want me to post a URL, my username on any social media, etc. I'm simply amused by the absolutely black and white militancy on the issue is all. I'm more used to seeing it from the other side of this particular fence and the universality of human nature never ceases to amuse me.