Yesterday's mail


Well-Known Member
I asked you nicely before make fun of that serious mental disease.
Uh, Asperger's is not a serious disease. Not even in the DSM anymore. Aspergers will not kill you. Persons dx with Aspergers can (almost always) wipe their own ass, chew their own food, tie their shoe laces, speak in 3 word sentences, tell the difference between day and night, and so forth.

My son has a serious disease. You, Sir, do not. Don't insult the genuinely sick and dying population by suggesting an aversion to appropriate eye contact, difficulty forming reciprocal social relationships, atypical interest in an unusual topic, pedantic speech, and deficits in prosocial behaviours constitute a serious illness.


Well-Known Member
Uh, Asperger's is not a serious disease. Not even in the DSM anymore. Aspergers will not kill you. Persons dx with Aspergers can (almost always) wipe their own ass, chew their own food, tie their shoe laces, speak in 3 word sentences, tell the difference between day and night, and so forth.

My son has a serious disease. You, Sir, do not. Don't insult the genuinely sick and dying population by suggesting an aversion to appropriate eye contact, difficulty forming reciprocal social relationships, atypical interest in an unusual topic, pedantic speech, and deficits in prosocial behaviours constitute a serious illness.
Thank you. That's my point. He is blessed beyond belief.

Has no drive or will power.
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Well-Known Member
Uh, Asperger's is not a serious disease. Not even in the DSM anymore. Aspergers will not kill you. Persons dx with Aspergers can (almost always) wipe their own ass, chew their own food, tie their shoe laces, speak in 3 word sentences, tell the difference between day and night, and so forth.

My son has a serious disease. You, Sir, do not. Don't insult the genuinely sick and dying population by suggesting an aversion to appropriate eye contact, difficulty forming reciprocal social relationships, atypical interest in an unusual topic, pedantic speech, and deficits in prosocial behaviours constitute a serious illness.
I have SCIDS Severe combined
immune deficiency syndrome I've
been told I will die when im 20,i was actually hospitalized a few weeks back I was having heart pains I found out It was because a fungal infection had gotten to me because my immune system is fucked, You really aren't at liberty to talk to me like that.


Well-Known Member
I have SCIDS Severe combined
immune deficiency syndrome I've
been told I will die when im 20,i was actually hospitalized a few weeks back I was having heart pains I found out It was because a fungal infection had gotten to me because my immune system is fucked, You really aren't at liberty to talk to me like that.
is this true ?


Well-Known Member
I have both of those things but I just am not accepted by my workplace, you got some nerve trying to judge me like you know me that's not cool at all.
Yes I do got some nerve. Bunch of fucking cry baby kids now a days. I got this I got that. You know what we did in the military to fuckers like you.

We had a sock party.(watch full metal jacket). I bet you would get your shit squared away then.

Pisses me off. You got two arms and legs. You are smart enough to get on here.

Anything that comes out of your mouth is an excuse.

Piece of shit. O got brothers on arms that got limbs blown off. Severve traumatic brain injury. Them guys are way worse than you and strive for greatness.

Your sir are a damn cry baby.
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Well-Known Member
You said nothing about SCIDS. You referenced Aspergers. My statement (which I stand by) is in response to your claim that Aspergers is a serious disease.