yesterday i brought home some clones that were infested with aphids


Well-Known Member
I deffiantly slipped up by not checking them over better I just trusted the source they were comming from I didnt think they'd have bugs since that means this guy would have a way bigger problem, (spoiler, he does) anyways I got 4 clones to fill some empty pots that seedlings had died in, I planted them and added them into the room with about 20 other seedlings about a week old. today I went in to see how they're adjusting and under close inspection I could see the aphids very clearly on the stems and undersides of leafs, all stages of life from a couple winged adults to baby larva, I removed them from the room right away and checked the rest of the seedlings over, I dont see any on the seedlings right now but I cant help but feel like they spread and I cant see them, so I'm wondering what are the odds they did or didn't spread in the 24 or so hours they were in the room?



Well-Known Member
Drench them with H2O2 (store bought=3%), including underside of leafs stems, and main stalk. maybe every 3 hours for 2 days, then make a light slurry of silica and spray them. You should be good to go, and as SPL said, quarantine