Yes now i DO really hate Kid Rock!!!!!


its confirmed kid rock really does suck ass. my buddy gets me tickets to see lynard skynard a while ago and i forgot about it for months then last night we go to the showon the way he tells me "Oh yeah kid rock is on the show" im thinking fuck i hate kid rock but i'll check it out and maybe if im stoned enough i'll it'll be cool. NOT. Skynard played what seemed like very few songs THEN Kid Rock headlined at this point im thinking why the hell is this "cowboy"(from detroit) headlining a show with the kings of southern rock still i tried to pretend it was ok. then kid rock brings out RUN DMC and they do a cover of "walk this way" i thought this song was by aerosmith
at this point i walked out the front gates and smoked myself silly at my truck till everyone was done. I guess im pissed because it was like seeing skynard (who I thought were icons) opening for an exaggerated cover band WTF total disrespect.

sorry i had to vent.


Well-Known Member
can feel you man expectin a skynard show an getting kid rock woud be dissapointing, but i love kid rocks old shit. american bad ass bawittdaba all that shit can get you hype as fuck


i would have stuck around longer if he played bawittdaba or that bullgod song but no all damn cover tunes i can see cover bands at my local bar


skynard played the usual "sweet home alabama" and "free bird" a few others a short set in my opinion then they did another song with kid rock when he was on but at that point i was walking out the front gates


Well-Known Member
ya dude old kid rock is ok
but none of da new stuff
and if i had seen kid rock try to sing steven tylers part in walk this way
i mighta thrown something at him
thats straight dissrespect

smoke two joints

Well-Known Member
oh man, that acually sucks ass! i would be so pissed if i was expecting to see skynard headlining and got some gay cowboy guy instead