yellowing of young leaves


Well-Known Member
hi all just wondering if sum1 can help me???? i have x7 3 week old babys under a 400watt hps im useing dutch pro a+b grow the problem im having is that they have seemed 2 stop growing or growing very slowly?? they are only about 2" tall and have there second set of true leaves showing but the leaves are turning light green/yellow have i over watered these babys or is it sumthing else??? any help would be gratefully appreciated :)
i want 2 upload sum pics but not sure how???


Well-Known Member
Too hot and intense lighting at this stage for the age and condition they are in , put them back under cfls where the temps are below 75.Give them a week under the cfls and see if they pick up, put them back under the 400 at about 4 weeks..


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply buds :) but i dont have any cfl,s ive grown from seed with 400watts before with no problems im thinking i may have overwtaered them? or my light mite be 2 close?? how do i put pics up?? they mite even b healthy and me just being over paranoid lol :)


Take pics with cell phone, transfer to computer. Once that is done hit icon for insert pics. You will have to know which files pics are in.


Well-Known Member
i dont think there rootbound as they in 5ltr pots?? i have just raised my lights a little just incase its from heat stress??? and ive been letting them dry out for a few days, im going 2 water them 2moro with just plain water which i have had sat out for a few days :) they are growing but at a very slow pace :( do you think they mite want a small feed? will try and put a pic up now ::) and thankyou all for the replys :)


Well-Known Member
just been up and watered them as top 2" of soil was dry and crusty i added 1ml of dutch pro A and B grow to my water so just have to see how they go now :) fingers crossed :) will upload sum more pics later or 2moro :)


New Member
Don't give them nutrients until they get bigger. If they are yellowing, this could also be nutrient burn. Most likely though, the strength of your lights is damaging the chlorophyll in the plant cells.


Well-Known Member
do u think i should put them in the window until they get bigger or could i just raise the lights as high as possible?????? they are growing just very slowly :( will get sum decent pics up 2day and tell me what u think? and thanks alot for the reply :)


Well-Known Member
as u can see in the pic they are very small and the codyledon leaves turned yellow and curling down and the true leaves turning a really pale green on few of the plants :( the temps in the room is around 82f and humidity floats around 40/50 i have the lights on 18hrs and off 6hrs i have a oscilating fan blowing in the room at all times. i would go and buy sum cfl,s but lack of funds is stopping me lol so im stuck with 400w hps any info on this problem would be amazing and thanks again for replys :)


Well-Known Member
Your soil looks like it isn't draining properly, and you will need to seperate them before to long or they will get married under the soil and will be a death when we part scenario. When you do transplant, make sure you add around 30% perlite to the mix to aid in drainage.

Peace and Great Grows



Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice asmallvoice :) i was wondering if i would have 2 seperate them :) im useing cana coco soil which i bought from the grow shop i did give them a good watering and they all drained quite well? how far should i keep a 400watt hps from the tops of the plants?? as looked on loads of forums and they all say different?? many thanks :)