Yellowing Leaves in week 5 of flower? What do I do?


Well-Known Member
Hello Friends,

I got a few bag seed plants that I started to flower on Dec 25. In the past 3 days a number of leaves have stared to yellow. I did raise the lights 3 days ago which brought the room temp down about 7 degrees from 92. Here are some other stats and pics:

Light: 400w HPS 12-12
Nutes: General Organics BioBloom, CalMag+, BioBud 1x/wk
Soil: Roots Organics 707
Water: Filtered tap, every 2-3 days

photo 1 (13).jpgphoto 1 (16).jpgphoto 2 (14).jpgphoto 2 (16).jpg


Well-Known Member
Well I'm seeing a bit of nute burn in pic2 as well as deficiency in the rest... I bet it's a ph problem, have you checked the runoff?

With the hot temps in there the plant would be transpiring like crazy and if it wasn't dialled in it would show up like your pics.

You should flush it out and just water with ph'd water for a couple days, then slowly reintroduce the nutes at 1/2 or 1/4 strength.

good luck


Well-Known Member
The yellowing is also starting on my Snowbud that I started to flower 1/15, so 2+ weeks ago. same nutes, etc as the above.
photo (5).jpgphoto 1 (17).jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks good man.
Those older leaves, fan leaves will yellow and die late in flower, just watch the new growth growing around the buds.
if that looks good than your good.

Good Luck on your Grow.


Well-Known Member
Just a good flush will work, not sure if it's too hot or mild nute burn.
After yer flush I'd go with a vitamin b solution and seaweed extract which
will work as a tonic, if you want you can even use it as a foliar feed (very weak)
Then light feeds after in my opinion.
good luck!