Yellowing leaves, browing, curling, at 2 weeks old - Can someone help me out?


Active Member
Hey everyone, I'd appreciate a hand in determining whats the matter with the plants I'm trying to grow right now.

They are experiencing yellowing and browning of the lower leaves moving upwards and I'm not sure what it could be.

About 50% of the plants are showing the same symptoms, although grow is rapid so they seemed fine until I saw this.

The soil is Miracle Grow Potting Mix 0.14-0.14-0.14 and I have added zero nutrients.

Watering is usually once every other day.

Lighting 24/0 with a 400W MH light, temps stay between 80-86 all the time.

I have some blood meal 14-0-0 I can add if its Nitrogen deficiency...I dont want to add it just in case its nute BURN from the Miracle Grow. Let me know what you think!!




Active Member
Deff nute burn - flush and chill on the nutes. MG soil sucks - I killed my first load of seedlings with that shit!


Active Member
How do I chill on the nutes when they come with the soil?

Would flushing them out and then repotting into bigger pots (they'll need it soon anyways) with topsoil with no added nutes fix the problem?

Thanks again!


Active Member
o no, dont add anything else to em... n prolly shouldn flush wit the self feedin soil... water less often with maybe ph round 7, i would foliar feed with plain water every so often so its not suckn up so much nuted from your soil


Active Member
would be better... anythin that dont come with fert in it already... with plenty perlite!!! lol thats gonna be my catch phrase from now on, i say it so much. PERLITE DAMNIT!!!! LOL


Active Member
MG definitely sucks. your best bet would be to get soil without any ferterlizer. and yes, perlite would be a good idea lol :)


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow has those little BB's that are time release you may continue to have this problem. And yes MG suck balls its full of bark, One bag I bought had fungus flies In when I opened it up and there was a mold growing on it, who knows maybe it was old but still not a good soil.


Active Member
Alright I grabbed some non-nuted soil...should I be re-potting them into this new soil in bigger containers ASAP?

I checked to see if any of the soil in these current pots could be easily broken away from the roots and it was a no-go.


Well-Known Member
Have you recently stressed your plant? Whats the pH of your soil and water your feeding?

Looks like the same problem i have just recently because it looks like a combination of different defs its most probly nute lock out from inbalanced pH.

Ive seen full MG grows with no nute def what so ever but it was pH managed daily so probly is the soil but you'll just need to adjust the pH of what your feeding it.

Experiment in a empty pot with mg untill you find the perfect mix avoid stressing plants at all costs :( its heartbreaking


Active Member
I transplanted into bigger pots so the soil mix is at least 50% new un-nutrient added topsoil, and 50% the existing MG (.14-.14-.14) Potting Soil. Going to try and get some perlite into the mix as well.

I'll pick up a pH kit to test my soil and the water is always boiled but I'll try to find pH numbers for you guys ASAP.


Active Member
yeh you can make it work wit miracle grow, but you jus gotta be real careful wit what you add n when you add it. but if you already bought somethin better, go ahead n move them. jus be very gentle n dont water til tomorrow


Active Member
I transplanted into bigger pots so the soil mix is at least 50% new un-nutrient added topsoil, and 50% the existing MG (.14-.14-.14) Potting Soil. Going to try and get some perlite into the mix as well.

I'll pick up a pH kit to test my soil and the water is always boiled but I'll try to find pH numbers for you guys ASAP.
i think youll be fine bro, jus water normally without anythin added for a while... at least until they start lookn healthy again, then start wit like 1/4 of recommended feedn every 2 r 3 waterins